In pre-Columbian American communities, dating back 6,800 years ago, shamanic leaders of various cultures utilized this sacred plant to conduct shamanic healings, cosmic insights, and the activation of latent abilities within individuals, as well as to treat spiritual and physical ailments.

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In pre-Columbian American communities, dating back 6,800 years ago, shamanic leaders of various cultures utilized this sacred plant to conduct shamanic healings, cosmic insights, and the activation of latent abilities within individuals, as well as to treat spiritual and physical ailments.

The Wachuma ceremony involves a process of reconnecting with the natural world, the awakening of latent abilities within the individual, and the treatment of both spiritual and physical afflictions.


During the day, the Wachuma ceremony takes place in natural environments, where participants connect with the elements of life and understand the energies of the day. It primarily involves an external connection with the environment and mother nature.



We will provide hotel pick-up at 6:30 am to transport you to the designated location for the Wachuma ceremony. Upon arrival, an opening ceremony will be conducted, followed by an hour to address any inquiries and consume the medicine. The ceremony typically lasts for a minimum of 4 to 5 hours, after which we will return to Cusco.


During the night, the Wachuma ceremony involves spending the night in a waca (energy center) until the first rays of sunlight appear. The objective of this ceremony is to gain insight into one’s internal self while comprehending the energies of the night.

We will provide hotel pick-up and, depending on the location, recommend being prepared by noon on the day of the ceremony. Upon arriving at the huaca, the ceremony will commence at 6 pm, during which we will set up the necessary equipment for an overnight stay. Following the opening ceremony, we will allocate 2 to 3 hours for addressing any queries and answering all questions before administering the Wachuma ancestral medicine. The spiritual journey associated with the Wachuma medicine lasts approximately 4 to 5 hours. After the intense journey, we will address any remaining questions. The ceremony concludes at daybreak. Once finished, we will dismantle the equipment and return to the city of Cusco.


Note: In the first ceremony, it is possible that we may not have the visions that many expect. The reason for this is that we need to purify the body, but we will experience physical sensations that are a form of vision to understand our physical body.

Following a dietary plan is very important to cleanse the body of many toxins consumed over a long period. The ancestral medicine teaches much better with a clean body. The recommended diet is to follow a specific diet plan for 5 days before the spiritual ceremony.


For 5 days or more days Before starting the spiritual retreat.

  1. No red meat (chicken and fish ARE allowed)
  2. Abstain from sexual activity
  3. No use of drugs
  4. No smoking
  5. Decrease salt consumption
  6. Decrease sugar consumption
  7. Decrease consumption of high-fat foods
  8. No spicy foods
  9. Reduce flour consumption
  10. Decrease coffee consumption


For 5 days or more days Before starting the spiritual retreat.

  1. No red meat (chicken and fish are NOT allowed)
  2. Abstain from sexual activity
  3. No use of drugs
  4. No smoking
  5. Decrease salt consumption
  6. Decrease sugar consumption
  7. Decrease consumption of high-fat foods
  8. No spicy foods
  9. Reduce flour consumption
  10. Decrease coffee consumption

more things you should know about san pedro


Our ancestors measured time by observing cosmic stars such as the sun and the moon, which maintain the balance of life on our planet Earth. It has been scientifically proven that these stars influence the behavior of humanity, as well as animals, plants, and natural elements. Because of this, spiritual retreats should be held in the SACRED energy centers of Mother Nature (PACHAMAMA) following our ancestors’ traditional way. Ancestrally wise men and women knew the POWER and changing processes of MAMA QUILLA (Mother Moon) and performed sacred ceremonies to maintain an energetic connection with the moon.

During the FULL MOON stage, where cycles are closed, the Inka ancestors worked with the full moon and performed sacred ceremonies in honor of MAMA QUILLA (Mother Moon), channeling the energy of this ASTRO, and they could know and see how complete they were. During this full moon process, an external energetic exploration is performed to observe our objectives, making use of the sacred medicine AYAHUASCA.

In the NEW MOON, the first phase of the lunar cycle, it is a time for self-analysis and reflection on ourselves for a new beginning on the path of life. In ancient times, the ancestors performed sacred ceremonies using the sacred medicine AYAHUASCA to explore the inner world of oneself and to deeply purify the physical and spiritual body to BE REBORN AND GROW again as beings of light.

The solstices and equinoxes are astronomical events that mark the transition of seasons on our planet Earth (PACHAMAMA), influencing the existence of all living beings. Since ancient times, our ancestors have recognized that the sun is our axis of life and harmony, playing a crucial role in the life of Mother Earth. The Incas had a clear understanding of the sun’s importance as our axis, recognizing that without it, our planet would drift aimlessly through the cosmos, rendering it incapable of supporting life. These cosmic phenomena occur twice during the lunar year that the Incas utilized.


Solstices are special events that happen twice a year when the Sun reaches its furthest point to the north or south of the Earth’s equator. The summer solstice occurs in late June, and the winter solstice occurs in late December.

During solstices, there is a change in the energy that flows from the universe towards Earth. The summer solstice brings more energy, and the sunlight is stronger, which can make you feel more optimistic and ready to grow. On the other hand, the winter solstice brings less energy, and the sunlight is weaker, which can make you feel more reflective and introspective.

Many cultures consider solstices to be sacred moments and celebrate them with special rituals and ceremonies to show respect for nature and connect with the universe. Some people also believe that during solstices, they can use meditation and creative visualization to bring their desires and goals to reality.


Equinoxes are remarkable celestial events that happen twice a year when day and night have equal length all over the world. The spring (or vernal) equinox takes place around March 20th, while the fall equinox happens around September 22nd.

During equinoxes, there is a moment of balance and harmony when the cosmic energy flows towards Earth in a more uniform and stable way. These events make it easier to attain inner and outer harmony, which can facilitate a deeper connection with nature and the universe.

In various cultures, equinoxes hold special significance and are commemorated with rituals and ceremonies to show reverence for nature and promote balance in life. Some people believe that equinoxes offer a chance to release negative energies and renew positive energy through a spiritual connection with nature.

sacred places


We conduct all ceremonies and retreats involving the sacred medicine of San pedro (Wachuma) in “huacas,” which were utilized by our Inca ancestors for spiritual and energetic purposes. “Huacas” are sites of concentrated natural energy, many of which contain Inca constructions or were centers of veneration for natural energies.

As keepers of ancestral wisdom and descendants of our Inca forebears, we perform these ceremonies in our energetic centers, all of which have Quechua names that reflect their unique energies and purposes. Due to their sanctity, many of these centers are situated in and around the city of Cusco, while others are located further afield.

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Today, the Ceque system is recognized as a network of radial lines and reference points that interconnect the central urban area of Cusco with its peripheral territories. This system functioned as a mechanism utilized by the Inca civilization for the purpose of organizing and regulating the sacred space of their culture. The Ceque system provided a framework for organizing the sacred space in terms of physical, astronomical, and symbolic elements, as well as other aspects of Inca cosmology, such as the veneration of Huacas. Furthermore, the Ceque system played a vital role in the political organization of the Incas, as it facilitated the administration of land, the redistribution of resources, and the allocation of social labor among Inca communities and families. Within the Ceque system, there exist 320 Huacas encircling the city of Cusco.

rates for ceremonies


group in holy places (inka temple)

 maximun 10 people

1 to 3 people $300 per person

4 to more people $ 250 per person

private in holy places (inka temple) 




group in holy places (inka temple)

 maximun 10 people

 $ 350 per person

private in holy places (inka temple)

$ 600

¿What makes us

one of a kind?

Our distinction lies in our dual expertise as professionals in tourist guiding and as spiritual masters dedicated to preserving Inkan wisdom. This unique combination enables us to offer our clients an enriching and deeply spiritual tourist experience. Furthermore, as an Inkan-origin agency, we are committed to social responsibility. We work tirelessly to support those in our community who need it most. We allocate financial resources to carry out social work with individuals battling addictions, who have suffered from violations, or other traumatic experiences that impact their personal development. Your choice to travel with us directly contributes to this social work, helping us make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

shaman leaders

Our organization of spiritual leaders is truly diverse and joyful, as it is composed of masterful leaders of both genders who are experts in Inka knowledge

yachay wasi

Yachay Wasi stands as a distinguished school, dedicated to the transmission of millennia-old ancestral wisdom to future generations with a forward-thinking approach deeply rooted in tradition.

Natural therapy

Treating individuals with addiction disorders or other problems, who have low economic resources, requires a considerable duration depending on the specific situation, with the goal of achieving physical, mental, and spiritual recovery..


San Pedro is a spiritual master plant that teaches the wisdom of nature. It follows a deep spiritual path with the energies of the cosmos, while also acting as a medicine that heals and shows different types of illnesses, as well as awakening human abilities. The plant has been used by indigenous peoples of South America since 6800 BCE, with fossil remains of the cactus found in caves known as Guitarreros in Peru. The CHAVÍN culture, which developed in Peru around 1500 BCE, was one of the peoples who recorded the medicinal and spiritual use of this plant in their iconography. Is there a scientific study of San Pedro? “San Pedro Macho” (Echinopsis peruviana) is related to the well-known “San Pedro Hembra” (Echinopsis pachanoi) cactus. San Pedro contains different alkaloids, including mescaline, a psychoactive substance concentrated in the green skin of the external part of the cactus known as chlorophyll. How is it consumed? It is consumed as a drink, which is extracted from the cactus known as San Pedro, through an ancestral ceremonial preparation made one day before consumption. How is the San Pedro ceremony prepared? The masters prepare San Pedro in sacred centers, which takes a whole day to cook the cactus.

It is important to note that the duration of the San Pedro ceremony may vary depending on the experience and preparation of the participants, as well as the intention and purpose. Therefore, it is crucial to be well-informed and prepared before participating in the ceremony and to respect the time and rituals established by the tradition in which it is held. If the ceremony takes place during the day, it may last all day, and if it takes place at night, it may last all night.

If the ceremony is held during the day, it is important to have a daypack with warm clothing, a rain poncho, a hat, and sun protection. If the ceremony is held at night, it is important to bring warm clothing, a sleeping bag, gloves, a hat, a headlamp, and a mat for the floor (which we provide). It is also recommended to bring fruits or dried fruits and water.

Yes, it is absolutely necessary to fast. Nothing can be eaten before taking San Pedro, as it is necessary for a good cleanse and for the medicine to work effectively in the body. 

The “San Pedro Macho” (Echinopsis peruviana) is related to the well-known “San Pedro Hembra” (Echinopsis pachanoi) cactus. San Pedro contains various alkaloids, including mescaline, a psychoactive substance. This alkaloid is concentrated in the green skin of the outer part of the cactus, which is called the epidermis.

The San Pedro cactus is typically consumed in a beverage form that is prepared through an ancestral ceremonial process, which involves extraction of the cactus. This process is carried out a day before the consumption of the drink.

The shamans prepare the San Pedro in sacred sites, and this procedure takes a complete day to decoct the cactus.

Before the intake of San Pedro, the body and mind undergo preparation through a specific diet. Therefore, it is crucial to abstain from consuming any substance that contains alcohol before the ceremony, and to refrain from drinking for a minimum of four days after the intake. It is advisable to avoid drinking for a week if possible.

You can smoke natural tobacco that we will provide ceremonially during the San Pedro ceremony. We do not commonly use or ingest the smoke into our lungs. We will teach you how to use it and when to use it.

The drink is consumed in a ceremonial and sacred environment, guided by a shaman or spiritual guide. The psychedelic experience can last several hours and is described as a way of connecting with the spiritual world, nature, and divinity. Participants can experience visual and auditory effects, changes in the perception of time and reality, as well as intense emotions and feelings of unity and connection with others and nature. The ceremony is considered a means of healing emotional traumas, finding purpose and direction in life, and strengthening the connection with the community and nature.

Mental preparation involves having a peaceful life free from societal and familial conflicts. It is important to be mindful of one’s temperament.

Yes, it’s very safe, especially if it’s being led by a spiritual master (shaman).

There are no known side effects since it’s a medicinal plant master for the body, spirit, and mind.

It’s important to ensure that the shaman has prepared the brew, as this involves a day-long preparation ceremony with the individuals who will be consuming it.

It’s important to inform the shaman, about the type of medication being taken and provide a clear diagnosis as to whether or not it’s safe to consume the San Pedro brew.

Generally, it’s not recommended, but there are exceptions. We would need sufficient information about the pregnancy, including its duration, the individual’s physical and psychological state, and their dietary habits.

It is recommended that you stop breastfeeding before participating in this spiritual ceremony.

It is not recommended to do it alone. It is important to have learned from a master in order to do it alone, and this learning process takes time.

With us, up to ten people can attend the ceremony, as there are several masters or shamans present during the spiritual ceremony.

No previous experience with other psychedelic plants is required.

It is important to know that the shaman is a native who has acquired this knowledge through generations, thus ensuring trust.

You will ascertain this by conversing with the shaman and observing that their culture and expertise remain unadulterated, and that this master does not blend knowledge and customs from other foreign cultures with the Tawantinsuyo.

The San Pedro ceremony is usually conducted outdoors, lasting the entire day. It can also be conducted at night in sacred centers, in which case we remain in one place. However, during the day ceremony, we can move around freely. Of course, the ceremony is conducted in a very safe area.

When a sacred ceremony is performed, everything that happens in the process has meaning for our lives.

Maintaining the recommended pre-ceremony diet and having a previous conversation with the spiritual guide to clarify certain doubts can help.

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