About Us

Who are we?

Children of the sun, who teach the way of their Inka grandparents, to live a life in harmony and thus save life on Mother Earth (Pachamama)

Kuraka.travel is a 100% native Peruvian tourism company with roots in the city of Cusco, the capital of the ancient Inka civilization and the heart of our culture. This company was founded by Intiyayas (solar priests = shamans) to provide therapy to visitors through ancient knowledge while visiting Inkan temples (archaeological and natural centers). We help maintain the principle of preserving nature. We assist everyone who wants to recover their identity (origin) and innovate through personalized services that better explain Inkan knowledge (therapy) and open their eyes to reality, creating experiences that value life itself.

Our star product is our culture.


The purpose of Kuraka.travel is to achieve 100% customer satisfaction. This allows us to provide the best job performance in organizing your life experience during your trip, in order to raise awareness of our reality as human beings on planet earth (PACHAMAMA). We learn from consciousness so as not to be a victim of unconsciousness. As descendants of the Inkas, we continue to carry on the ancestral wisdom that they left us and share it with you.

To meet your expectations, we have developed a variety of itineraries that accommodate different personalities to ensure your satisfaction. We offer cultural experiences, which consist of visiting historic and archaeological sites accompanied by authentic Peruvian cuisine. Additionally, we provide several options for day hikes or longer treks to spectacular places in the Andes, visiting small communities and exploring mysterious places where our culture originated, in order to finally reach one of the wonders of the world, Machupicchu. Our adventure activities will increase the adrenaline on your trip with mountain scaling, mountain biking, river rafting, zip-lining, bungee jumping, paragliding, horseback riding, and more. We also welcome you to be a part of the retreats in the ancient temples of the Incas, where ceremonies are an important part of your experience and an opportunity to learn this ancient wisdom. We have designed and combined all the activities into different itineraries to satisfy any demand, need, and desire. In this way, we ensure that each of our products has the essence, innovation, and professionalism that is reflected in our personalized itineraries.

We are grateful to our Inka ancestors who did everything possible to leave us their wisdom, and it is an honor for us to share it with you. We maintain our ancestral wisdom and direct our lives and work with the Inka laws:

Ama q’uella, Ama llulla, and Ama sua

which means “Don’t be idle, Don’t be a liar, and Don’t be a thief.” Our concept of family is community, and we put it into practice with you in the sense of “sharing and teaching.” We will also explain to you the “why” behind our customs and traditions.

Why should I book with Kuraka Travel

  1. We are an indigenous organization dedicated to keeping our culture alive. 
  2. All the information provided on our tours is authentic with respect to the Inka civilization, as we are Intiyayas (Sun Priests) and Killa Yayas (Moon Priestesses), also known as shamans today. 
  3. All spiritual retreats are conducted in Inka centers, just as the Inkas did in ancient times.
  4. We are the guardians of ancestral wisdom and are committed to using it to help humanity. 
  5. Each tour we offer is a healing therapy for the body, mind, and spirit. 
  6. All the natural medicines used in our retreats and healings are prepared by ourselves. 
  7. We guarantee your safety as all of us are shamans, inheriting the Inka wisdom passed down through generations from a very young age. 
  8. We provide guidance before and after each retreat.
  9. Teaching participants how to recognize deep levels of consciousness and unconsciousness. 
  10. Each retreat is led by at least two shamans. 
  11. We have successfully treated people with addiction problems such as alcoholism and drug addiction.
  12. Our Intiyayas and Killayayas have academic backgrounds as tour leaders, high mountain guides, hikers, physiotherapists, and artists. 

Intiyayas and Killayayas

Illareq Yaya

Illareq Yaya is a spiritual person and practitioner of natural medicine who comes from a long line of Inkan ancestors. He was born and raised in a small community in the mountains of Peru, where he learned from a young age about the healing practices and traditions of his culture.

As he grew older, Illareq Yaya became increasingly interested in medicinal plants and spirituality. He began studying and practicing natural medicine, learning from the knowledge passed down by his family and community, as well as from other practitioners and healers.

Wayna Qhapaq

Wayna Qhapaq is a solar priest (shaman) from the Andes who has spent a large part of his life teaching Andean culture and practicing spirituality in his community. He was born in the historic city of Cusco, in Perú, surrounded by the majesty of the Andean mountains and the cultural tradition of his people. From an early age, Wayna Qhapaq learned from the ancient wisdom of his people and embarked on the path of the solar priest (shaman). Wayna Qhapaq has dedicated his life to teaching Andean spirituality, transmitting ancient knowledge, and rituals to future generations. Through his teachings, he has helped people find inner peace, harmony with nature, and physical and emotional healing.

Willka Pacha

Willka Pacha was born and raised in the city of Cusco, surrounded by Andean culture and spirituality. From a young age, she was always drawn to spiritual practices and subtle energies that permeated her environment. As she grew up, she began to study and practice shamanic healing, learning from the elders and teachers of her community. Over time, Willka Pacha became a priestess of the moon, with a special focus on working with feminine energy and conducting cleansings. She also trained in shamanic reiki, a healing technique that uses ancestral shamanic energy to heal the body and mind.
Willka Pacha has helped many people to heal and find inner peace. Her cleansings, which involve the use of eggs, herbs, sounds, and other methods, have been especially effective in eliminating negative energies and emotional blocks in her patients. Additionally, her work with feminine energy has been particularly relevant for women who seek to connect with their inner power and heal their emotional wounds.


Carolina was born in the beautiful city of Cusco during the month in the Inca calendar dedicated to honoring our ancestors. In addition, her birthday coincides with a very significant day for her country, the commemoration of the rebellion led by Tupac Amaru II, a national hero who fought for Peru’s independence. From a young age, Carolina felt a strong connection to the world of medicine. Her curiosity and passion for helping others led her to become aware of her energy as a woman and to deeply value her Inka culture. She now considers herself a daughter of the sun and moon, with a special connection to nature and the spiritual world. Along her spiritual path, Carolina has learned about love, care, and protection for Mother Earth, and she tries to respect it in all her actions and thoughts. In addition to her dedication to the well-being of others, Carolina enjoys the simple things in life, such as dancing, listening to music, and walking outdoors. She is always seeking new knowledge to enrich her life and those around her.  Carolina is a strong, dedicated, and compassionate woman with a deep connection to her culture and natural environment. Her love for life, learning, and helping others makes her a valuable person for her community and her country.”

Come meet us! Come and experience it for yourself¡

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