Ayahuasca Ceremony

It is a therapy of corporal and spiritual cleansing, through three sessions. During each ceremony, you will immerse yourself in a trance-like state, and afterward, you will have a few days to rest, recover, and analyze the visions you had.



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This therapeutic program is designed to facilitate both physical and spiritual detoxification, employing a series of three expertly-crafted sessions. Following each session, ample time will be allotted for rest, recuperation, and reflection on the profound insights revealed during the ceremony. The Ayahuasca ceremony itself is performed under the cover of night, to maximize the mind’s receptivity to the medicine’s mystical properties. Integral to the effectiveness of the program is the pre-ceremony diet, which spans a minimum of three days and mandates avoidance of red meat, alcohol, drugs, sex, as well as limitation of sugar, salt, and spice. For optimal results, we strongly recommend supplementing the diet with pineapple extract prior to breakfast, as it enhances the clarity and vividness of the visions experienced during the ceremony. The longer the diet is followed, the more pronounced and transformative the results are bound to be.



For 5 days or more days Before starting the spiritual retreat.

  • No red meat (chicken and fish ARE allowed)
  • Abstain from sexual activity
  • No use of drugs
  • No smoking
  • Decrease salt consumption
  • Decrease sugar consumption
  • Decrease consumption of high-fat foods
  • No spicy foods
  • Reduce flour consumption
  • Decrease coffee consumption


For 5 days or more days Before starting the spiritual retreat.

  • No red meat (chicken and fish are NOT allowed)
  • Abstain from sexual activity
  • No use of drugs
  • No smoking
  • Decrease salt consumption
  • Decrease sugar consumption
  • Decrease consumption of high-fat foods
  • No spicy foods
  • Reduce flour consumption
  • Decrease coffee consumption


“Ayahuasca” is a medicine made from two plants: ayahuasca and chacruna. These plants are boiled for several hours, resulting in a drink known as ayahuasca. In our RUNASIMY language, there are two words: AYA, which means “dead”, and HUASCA, which means “rope”. Therefore, ayahuasca means “rope of the dead”, but at a much more advanced level, scientifically and intellectually, the Inka interpretation is “the path beyond death.” Scientifically, ayahuasca contains a component known as dimethyltryptamine (DMT), which is important for neurons in the brain. During ayahuasca ceremonies, the neurons in the human brain are activated and this is the purpose of the ceremony.


Encounter with the gods and learn to live life in harmony with nature and with all living beings around us. Today is the day when change begins in you. The Ayahuasca ceremony awakens the dormant neurons of the brain to learn from consciousness and not be a victim of unconsciousness. Consciousness is the light and clarity in life, and with it comes happiness and success. On the other hand, unconsciousness produces errors, such as fear, doubt, failure, and even death. Today is the day when change begins in you.



Our ancestors measured time by observing cosmic stars such as the sun and the moon, which maintain the balance of life on our planet Earth. It has been scientifically proven that these stars influence the behavior of humanity, as well as animals, plants, and natural elements. Because of this, spiritual retreats should be held in the SACRED energy centers of Mother Nature (PACHAMAMA) following our ancestors’ traditional way. Ancestrally wise men and women knew the POWER and changing processes of MAMA QUILLA (Mother Moon) and performed sacred ceremonies to maintain an energetic connection with the moon.

During the FULL MOON stage, where cycles are closed, the Inka ancestors worked with the full moon and performed sacred ceremonies in honor of MAMA QUILLA (Mother Moon), channeling the energy of this ASTRO, and they could know and see how complete they were. During this full moon process, an external energetic exploration is performed to observe our objectives, making use of the sacred medicine AYAHUASCA.

In the NEW MOON, the first phase of the lunar cycle, it is a time for self-analysis and reflection on ourselves for a new beginning on the path of life. In ancient times, the ancestors performed sacred ceremonies using the sacred medicine AYAHUASCA to explore the inner world of oneself and to deeply purify the physical and spiritual body to BE REBORN AND GROW again as beings of light.

ayahuasca therapy
ayahuasca therapy

The solstices and equinoxes are astronomical events that mark the transition of seasons on our planet Earth (PACHAMAMA), influencing the existence of all living beings. Since ancient times, our ancestors have recognized that the sun is our axis of life and harmony, playing a crucial role in the life of Mother Earth. The Incas had a clear understanding of the sun’s importance as our axis, recognizing that without it, our planet would drift aimlessly through the cosmos, rendering it incapable of supporting life. These cosmic phenomena occur twice during the lunar year that the Incas utilized.


Solstices are special events that happen twice a year when the Sun reaches its furthest point to the north or south of the Earth’s equator. The summer solstice occurs in late June, and the winter solstice occurs in late December.

During solstices, there is a change in the energy that flows from the universe towards Earth. The summer solstice brings more energy, and the sunlight is stronger, which can make you feel more optimistic and ready to grow. On the other hand, the winter solstice brings less energy, and the sunlight is weaker, which can make you feel more reflective and introspective.

Many cultures consider solstices to be sacred moments and celebrate them with special rituals and ceremonies to show respect for nature and connect with the universe. Some people also believe that during solstices, they can use meditation and creative visualization to bring their desires and goals to reality.


Equinoxes are remarkable celestial events that happen twice a year when day and night have equal length all over the world. The spring (or vernal) equinox takes place around March 20th, while the fall equinox happens around September 22nd.

During equinoxes, there is a moment of balance and harmony when the cosmic energy flows towards Earth in a more uniform and stable way. These events make it easier to attain inner and outer harmony, which can facilitate a deeper connection with nature and the universe.

In various cultures, equinoxes hold special significance and are commemorated with rituals and ceremonies to show reverence for nature and promote balance in life. Some people believe that equinoxes offer a chance to release negative energies and renew positive energy through a spiritual connection with nature.



We conduct all ceremonies and retreats involving the sacred medicine of Ayahuasca in “Huacas,” which were utilized by our Inka ancestors for spiritual and energetic purposes. “Huacas” are sites of concentrated natural energy, many of which contain Inka constructions or were centers of veneration for natural energies.

As keepers of ancestral wisdom and descendants of our Inka forebears, we perform these ceremonies in our energetic centers, all of which have Quechua names that reflect their unique energies and purposes. Due to their sanctity, many of these centers are situated in and around the city of Cusco, while others are located further afield.

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Today, the Ceque system is recognized as a network of radial lines and reference points that interconnect the central urban area of Cusco with its peripheral territories. This system functioned as a mechanism utilized by the Inca civilization for the purpose of organizing and regulating the sacred space of their culture. The Ceque system provided a framework for organizing the sacred space in terms of physical, astronomical, and symbolic elements, as well as other aspects of Inka cosmology, such as the veneration of Huacas. Furthermore, the Ceque system played a vital role in the political organization of the Incas, as it facilitated the administration of land, the redistribution of resources, and the allocation of social labor among Inca communities and families. Within the Ceque system, there exist 320 Huacas encircling the city of Cusco.



group  in holy places (inka temple)

 maximun 10 people

$350 per session

private in holy places (inka temple)

$ 700 per session



  • sleeping bag -15 °c  $40.00 USD.

¿What makes us

one of a kind?

Our distinction lies in our dual expertise as professionals in tourist guiding and as spiritual masters dedicated to preserving Inkan wisdom. This unique combination enables us to offer our clients an enriching and deeply spiritual tourist experience. Furthermore, as an Inkan-origin agency, we are committed to social responsibility. We work tirelessly to support those in our community who need it most. We allocate financial resources to carry out social work with individuals battling addictions, who have suffered from violations, or other traumatic experiences that impact their personal development. Your choice to travel with us directly contributes to this social work, helping us make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

shaman leaders

Our organization of spiritual leaders is truly diverse and joyful, as it is composed of masterful leaders of both genders who are experts in Inka knowledge

yachay wasi

Yachay Wasi stands as a distinguished school, dedicated to the transmission of millennia-old ancestral wisdom to future generations with a forward-thinking approach deeply rooted in tradition.

Natural therapy

Treating individuals with addiction disorders or other problems, who have low economic resources, requires a considerable duration depending on the specific situation, with the goal of achieving physical, mental, and spiritual recovery..


Ayahuasca is a medicine made from two plants: ayahuasca and chacruna. These plants are boiled for several hours, resulting in a drink known as ayahuasca. In our RUNASIMY language, there are two words: AYA, meaning “dead,” and HUASCA, meaning “rope.” Thus, ayahuasca means “rope of the dead,” but at a much more advanced level, scientifically and intellectually, the Inka interpretation is “the way beyond death.” Scientifically, ayahuasca contains a component known as Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), which is important for brain neurons. During ayahuasca ceremonies, the neurons of the human brain are awakened, and this is the purpose of the ceremony.

The effects of ayahuasca are said to be wonderful, since one of its purposes is to awaken dormant neurons in the brain, as well as to help awaken the third eye. This allows people to reach consciousness and stop being victims of unconsciousness.

The preparation of ayahuasca is a ritual performed by masters that takes many hours, at least 12 hours, as this time will determine the concentration of the drink. It involves boiling the ayahuasca vine and the leaves of the chacruna.

Ayahuasca is not consumed like any ordinary drink. It is important to perform a ceremony that is led by an intiyaya or quillayaya (shaman), who will assess the person’s internal spiritual strength and provide the appropriate amount required for the ceremony.

Ayahuasca ceremonies were performed throughout Tawantinsuyo (South America), but were further developed by the Incas since ayahuasca is a Quechua language name. Ayahuasca ceremonies can be performed in the jungle, coast, and mountains.

As native descendants, we perform ayahuasca ceremonies as our Inca ancestors did in Cusco and Machu Picchu. Therefore, it is recommended to do these ceremonies with native people.

Yes, it is safe to take ayahuasca under the guidance of native masters who understand their culture and Inca spirituality.

The journey lasts between 3 to 4 hours. The ayahuasca medicine acts differently in people, depending on their diets and personality. The ayahuasca ceremony is performed during the night.

Ideally, other medications should be stopped for at least one week before consuming ayahuasca, and the type of medication being taken should also be disclosed.

Before taking the sacred plant ayahuasca, it is important to know and comply with the diets indicated by the master. Many people focus only on dietary restrictions, but diets also involve the care of character and daily attitudes towards life.

After the ayahuasca retreat, it is important to maintain the dietary restrictions for a minimum of four days, but it is better if maintained for seven days. We have an open email for those who have questions or concerns after the ayahuasca retreat. You can also have a phone conversation directly with the master with a prior appointment.

Ayahuasca works differently in each person, so it is important not to have expectations and let the energy flow. What people normally expect from ayahuasca is to have visions, but for many who take it for the first time, they do not have visions and they require more cleansing with ayahuasca. The first ceremony deeply cleanses the body.

An ayahuasca ceremony is not just visions, but also the sensations that one will feel in the body since all those sensations are messages to each individual.

The ayahuasca retreats we perform are done as the Inkas did them. They were performed in energetic points such as open fields, caves, mountains, and Inka energy centers, where warm and thermal clothing, gloves, hats, and feather jackets are required.

The prior preparation is the diet that each person will personally undertake, according to what the master mentions. Before drinking ayahuasca, we will have between two to three hours to get to know each other more and make recommendations.

If you have allergies, you can still take ayahuasca. Remember that ayahuasca is a medicine that cleanses and purifies your body, so if you have allergies, the process will cleanse those allergies.

Normally, sessions can be held daily, depending on the patient’s availability and energy strength, or in spaced-out ceremonies. However, keep in mind that if you decide to have three ceremonies, they should be held at most within a month.

Normally, it is not recommended, but there are cases and exceptions for pregnant women. However, it is essential to have sufficient information about their gestation period, physical and psychological state, and diet.

People who are not willing to change their lifestyle, to heal and open up with themselves, should not take ayahuasca. A person must be sure to take ayahuasca.

The safest place is where there are native masters who maintain that knowledge, inherited culturally and genetically over time.

The master determines the dosage based on the patient’s energy strength, which depends on the recommended diet. If the patient fulfills the diet requirements, the master will give them the appropriate dosage. If this dosage is not enough during the ceremony, the person can have another dosage of ayahuasca. They can have three doses in one ceremony night if required.

It can be dangerous if ingested without knowledge, especially if done without a spiritual leader who is a native master.

It may happen that a person has a bad experience if they did not follow the appropriate diet, as the diet helps channel spiritual and physical energy for the medicine process.

Ayahuasca is a master plant that does not create dependence in people, as it heals addictions such as drugs, sugar, alcohol, as well as mental addictions like stress, worries, bitterness, anxiety, and confusion in the mind.

No one knows what it’s like until you experience it. You will know by doing the ayahuasca retreat with us, as these ceremonies must be performed as the ancestors did, in energy centers.

If the person follows all the recommendations, undergoes all the therapy, and attends the retreat with the master, the side effects will be that their life changes to a more practical and happy lifestyle. They will have a full life and will be able to distinguish the changes they make in their daily life.

Ayahuasca is an ancestral medicine that has been used for many years by our ancestors. Therefore, it has the ability to cure mental and physical illnesses, as many of them stem from an imbalance of the self.

No, it is not. Ayahuasca is a medicine that does not cause any type of addiction and only brings healing to the self.

Yes, you can. It is not necessary to experiment with drugs to take ayahuasca. However, the cleaner your body is, the better your experience will be.

It is absolutely necessary, as this way you will have a unique experience, and most importantly, a safe and healing one.

We do not recommend it at all, as ayahuasca is a medicine that requires a spiritual guide. Without one, unpleasant experiences or even more physical and psychological imbalances can occur, and in extreme cases, death. Only true shamans know how to handle it.

The difference is that each psychedelic plant has its own personality. Therefore, they are considered master plants, and each one has a different way of teaching.”

Let’s always keep in mind that some problems are mental, such as stress, anxiety, and worry, among others, which can arise due to poor discipline and bad habits in daily life. People with schizophrenia or those who are called ‘crazy’ can be cured with ayahuasca, but it has to be a private work and with the help of their family members.

Yes, when the person who administers ayahuasca is not a true indigenous leader or does not have sufficient knowledge about people with heart disease.

Ayahuasca does not interact with modern medications. On the contrary, it cleanses your body of those medications and teaches you to have a disciplined lifestyle with respect to your food and medication.

Yes, that’s why we recommend a strict diet of foods to consume in the days leading up to taking ayahuasca. This way, your physical and psychological body is prepared for the day of the ceremony.

Before taking ayahuasca, the body and mind are prepared through a special diet, so no alcohol or other substances should be consumed. After taking ayahuasca, it is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol for at least four days, and preferably up to a week, as the energy of ayahuasca continues to work during this time.

Taking ayahuasca can lead to positive changes in both the body and mind, promoting conscious awakening and healing old wounds that often cause physical and psychological illnesses.

While it is possible to work or drive after taking ayahuasca, it is generally recommended to rest as the process can be quite exhausting.

Ayahuasca is not dangerous for work or studies. In fact, completing an ayahuasca therapy retreat, which involves three ceremonies, can improve your performance at work and make you more amiable with your coworkers. In studies, it has been shown to awaken dormant brain neurons, leading to better academic performance.

After completing the ayahuasca therapy retreat and learning about your negative habits and tendencies, you will know what needs to change in your daily life to become more balanced and conscious.

Yes, ayahuasca can lead to a spiritual experience by entering a spiritual world of energies and subconscious planes within consciousness. This process cleanses and awakens the pineal gland, which is responsible for the connection to the universe.

Preparation involves following the recommended diet and taking the ayahuasca medicine, which will initiate your spiritual preparation step by step. Spiritual preparation is an ongoing learning process.

No, ayahuasca can promote deeper and more balanced spiritual development, where you can find harmony in your life.

If you follow the recommended diet and preparation for ayahuasca, it can lead to long-term benefits by balancing the body, mind, and spirit. It can help you to live consciously instead of just surviving in this modern and hectic world.

Ayahuasca can help solve many physical and mental problems, but each problem has its own healing process and time frame. Ayahuasca therapy can help solve issues such as alcoholism, drug addiction, and other mental health disorders, depending on the individual’s situation.

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