Inka Trail
4 days

It will be an unforgettable experience in nature, combined with culture, as you explore one of the most famous roads in the world and prepare for the best of the Inka Trail.


The Trek

about inka trail


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Trek Description


“Welcome to our thrilling Full Camping adventure! Immerse yourself in nature; our tours are tailored for camping enthusiasts, taking you beyond the daily grind. Connect authentically with Mother Nature (PACHAMAMA) in an exhilarating journey through mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers. Discover the magic of the great outdoors and forge lasting memories with Full Camping. Welcome to a unique experience!”

Inka Trail 4 days, one of the most exciting experiences in the world is arranged for you, which avoids the traffic from many visitors. Explore this magical tour of the Inka Trail; it will take you to the top of the mountains to appreciate the beauty of nature in the Andes. This route will show you many Inka temples and unveil the mysteries of our history: roads that cross mountain ranges, forests, tunnels, and firm trails on the precipices. This was one of the great technological advances of our ancestors. There will be no doubt when we have before our eyes the wonder of the modern world, Machupicchu, a piece of stone construction made into an art form that fits perfectly with Mother Earth. Come and be part of this Inka adventure!


DAY 01

Cusco - piscacucho - ayapata (A, C)

The bus will take us to piscacucho (KM 82), the Inka Trail checkpoint. Today, we will explore archaeological sites with an incredible destiny. We will follow the path of ascent, enriching ourselves with landscapes, and finally, we will arrive at Llaqta pata, the most surprising archaeological site of the Inka Trail. In the afternoon, the easiest part through the mountains will take us to ayapata (camp site), where we will spend the night

  • Distance: 13 km by Inka Trail
  •  Duration: Full day
  •  Maximum Altitude: 3300 m.a.s.l. Ayapata
  •  Minimum Altitude: 2200 m.a.s.l. in Piscacucho
  •  Feasibility: Hiking
  •  Difficulty level: Moderate
  • Activities: Adventure, Inka Trail, visit arqueological centers: (llaqtapata, machuqolpas), landscape viewing, bird watching, cultural and historical activities
  •  Overnight: Ayapata camping site.

DAY 02

ayapata - chaqui cocha (B, L, D)

On an exhilarating day in the majestic Inca Andes, we will embark on an expedition to the highest point known as “Warmiwañuska,” translated as the “Dead Woman’s Pass,” located at 4,212 meters above sea level. Following this achievement, we will make our way to the enchanting Pacaymayu Valley, situated at 3,600 meters above sea level, where we will enjoy a well-deserved and rejuvenating lunch. Subsequently, we will set out to conquer the second pass, rising to an altitude of 3,900 meters above sea level, leading us to the Chaquicocha campsite, positioned at 3,700 meters above sea level. On this day filled with excitement, we will have the opportunity to explore two Inka sites of great historical significance and spectacular splendor.

  •  Distance: 13 km  Inka Trail
    Duration: Full day
  • Maximum altitude: 4212 m.a.s.l.  Dead Woman pass
  •  Minimum Altitude: 3600 m.a.s.l. Pacaymayu
  • Feasibility: Trail
  •  Difficulty level: Moderate-dificult
  • Activities: Landscape viewing, inka centers runkuracay and sallacmarca, vew the dead woman in the mountain
  • Overnight: Chaquicocha camping site.

DAY 03

chaquicocha - wiñaywayna (b, l, d)

Today, an exciting journey awaits you as we explore two extraordinary Inka sites along the Inka Trail. This experience will provide us with the opportunity to delve deep into the fascinating history of the Inkas and their profound connection to cosmic spirituality. What’s more, we have some great news for you! Today’s itinerary is characterized by a gradual descent, making the hike more enjoyable and accessible. Finally, the day will culminate at the Wiñaywayna campsite, whose name translates to “forever young.” This location, surrounded by lush jungle, invites us to explore and contemplate the eternal youth that nature offers us. Get ready for a truly enriching experience!

  • Distance: 13 km  Inka Trail
  •  Duration: Full day 
  • Maximum Altitude: 3720 m.a.s.l. Pullupatamarka
  • Minimum Altitude: 2560 m.a.s.l.wiñaywayna
  • Feasibility: Hiking
  •  Difficulty level: Moderate, easy
  • Activities: Adventure, Inka Trail, visit arqueological centers: (puyupatamarka, Wiñaywayna, Sun Gate, intipata), landscape viewing, bird watching,orchid viewing, cultural and historical activities
  •  Overnight: Wiñaywayna camping site.

DAY 04


The most awaited day has arrived — We will visit Machupicchu! Emblematic of our culture, we will live an experience that transports us to the time of the Inkas, surrounded by the beauty of the mountains, with a unique and mystical panorama. We will  hike form wiñaywayna to the sun gate and arrived in Machupicchu. Then, we will take the train back to Cusco.

  • Distance: 6 km  Inka Trail
  • Duration: Full day
  • Maximum altitude: 2720 m.a.s.l. Sun gate
  • Minimum Altitude: 2040 m.a.s.l. in Aguas Calientes town
  • Feasibility: Hike, bus ride and train to cusco
  • Difficulty level: Easy
  • Activities: Landscape viewing, tour of Machupicchu, historical, archaeological and cultural activities.

about inka trail

The Inka Trail is one of the most mystical and famous places in South America, with a rich history and culture that dates back to the time of the Inka civilization. This hiking route extends from the city of Cusco to the ancient university of Machupicchu, one of the archaeological wonders of the world.

For centuries, the Inka Trail has been considered a sacred and mystical place by the indigenous peoples of the Tawantinsuyo (South America). The Inkas built this route to connect centers of research and advanced studies.

Over the years, many explorers and adventurers have visited the Inka Trail to experience the magic and mysticism of the region. Among them is the American explorer and archaeologist Hiram Bingham, who rediscovered Machupicchu in 1911, and Princess Diana of Wales, who visited the region in 1995 and marveled at the beauty and mysticism of the area.

The Inka Trail is different from other hiking routes in the region as it offers a unique and authentic experience of Inka culture. During the tour, hikers can get up close to Inka archaeological centers and fortresses, as well as impressive natural landscapes, such as mountains, valleys, rivers, glaciers, humid and cloudy forests, with a great diversity of flora and fauna. Additionally, the Inka Trail is a mystical place imbued with the spirituality and culture of the Inkas. Hikers can feel the mystical presence of the region and experience a deep connection with the nature and spirituality of the area.

The Inka Trail is a mystical and famous place that attracts many explorers and adventurers from all over the world, who seek to experience the magic and mysticism of the region, thanks to its rich history and culture.


Each location for overnight stays is strategically located in places where you can appreciate and feel the wonderful magic of Mother Nature.All of the camping equipment we provide is specially designed for high mountain conditions so that you can enjoy the outdoor adventure as much as possible and be more comfortable with the weather conditions. We offer highly personalized service.

Ayapata 3300m.s.n.m

inka trail 4 days

Chaqui Cocha 3750 m.s.n.m

Wiñaywayna 2650m.s.n.m

4 Machupicchu 2400m.s.n.m.




$ 785.00 USD


$ 1690.00 USD


You must request this at the time that you make your reservation.

  • Porter to carry 8kg (17.6lb): $85 USD.
  • Porter to carry 15kg (33lb): $150 USD.
  • Hiking poles: USD 20.00.
  • Machupichu +Huaynapicchu : USD 75.00.
  • Machupicchu + Montaña: USD 75.00.
  • Sleeping Bag USD 30.00

¿What makes us

one of a kind?

Our distinction lies in our dual expertise as professionals in tourist guiding and as spiritual masters dedicated to preserving Inkan wisdom. This unique combination enables us to offer our clients an enriching and deeply spiritual tourist experience. Furthermore, as an Inkan-origin agency, we are committed to social responsibility. We work tirelessly to support those in our community who need it most. We allocate financial resources to carry out social work with individuals battling addictions, who have suffered from violations, or other traumatic experiences that impact their personal development. Your choice to travel with us directly contributes to this social work, helping us make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

shaman leaders

Our organization of spiritual leaders is truly diverse and joyful, as it is composed of masterful leaders of both genders who are experts in Inka knowledge

yachay wasi

Yachay Wasi stands as a distinguished school, dedicated to the transmission of millennia-old ancestral wisdom to future generations with a forward-thinking approach deeply rooted in tradition.

Natural therapy

Treating individuals with addiction disorders or other problems, who have low economic resources, requires a considerable duration depending on the specific situation, with the goal of achieving physical, mental, and spiritual recovery..


The four-day, three-night Inka Trail is a renowned hiking route in Peru, stretching around 42 kilometers through ancient Incan paths and leading to the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu citadel. This trail offers a trekking experience rich in history, culture, and breathtaking natural landscapes, allowing hikers to explore archaeological sites while immersing themselves in the stunning Andean scenery.

The four-day, three-night Inka Trail extends approximately 42 kilometers (26 miles) along ancient Incan pathways leading to the Machu Picchu citadel in Peru.

The time spent in Machu Picchu can vary based on the tour and itinerary. Typically, visitors have several hours to explore the ancient citadel. Guided tours within Machu Picchu often last around 2-3 hours, providing insights into the history, architecture, and significance of the site. 

The four-day, three-night Inka Trail is considered moderately challenging. It involves varied terrain, including steep ascents, descents, uneven paths, and high-altitude sections, particularly on the second day when reaching the highest point at around 4,200 meters (13,780 feet). Proper physical preparation and acclimatization to altitude are recommended for hikers to comfortably navigate this trek. However, it’s accessible to most moderately fit individuals with a spirit for adventure and willingness to embrace the journey’s demands.

While the Inka Trail’s difficulty level is considered moderate, it is advisable to be in excellent physical shape and possess familiarity with walking, to derive the full benefits of the experience. It’s imperative to undertake pre-trip physical training, such as cardiovascular and strength-building exercises, to enhance endurance, and prevent injuries during the journey.
Due to the terrain’s rugged nature, hikers may experience physical fatigue and exhaustion, especially if they are not accustomed to such activities.
Participating in regular exercise routines such as running, cycling, or brisk walking can be particularly beneficial in preparing for the hike, as they help to develop stamina, leg strength, and cardiovascular health. Additionally, hikers should undertake stretching exercises to enhance flexibility and prevent muscle strains. A well-prepared hiker is more likely to enjoy a comfortable, smooth, and satisfying Inka Trail experience.

The highest point reached on the four-day, three-night Inka Trail is at the famous Warmiwañusca Pass, also known as Dead Woman’s Pass, which stands at an elevation of approximately 4,200 meters (13,780 feet) above sea level. This point usually occurs on the second day of the trek and marks the highest altitude along the trail.

Indeed, it is mandatory to have a professional tour guide accompany hikers during the four-day, three-night Inka Trail hike. These guides are exceptionally qualified and possess extensive knowledge about Incan history, culture, and traditions.
The tour guide’s primary role is to ensure the safety and well-being of the hikers while offering a comprehensive understanding of the Incan civilization’s remarkable legacy. They provide insights on the trail’s historical significance, interpret the local flora and fauna, and explain the Incan architectural designs visible along the trail.
Professional tour guides undergo rigorous training and hold certifications from competent authorities in the travel industry, such as the Peruvian Ministry of Tourism. This ensures they possess the requisite skills and knowledge to offer an engaging and educational hiking experience for hikers. Their expertise in managing emergency situations, identifying and managing altitude sickness, and providing first aid, makes them invaluable for a successful Inka Trail hike.

To ensure comfort and ease during the Inka Trail hike, it is recommended that hikers wear breathable, lightweight clothing and sturdy walking shoes. This allows for ease of movement and prevents blisters or other foot injuries. Hikers should also bring a small backpack to carry essential items such as water, snacks, and personal items.
Additionally, hikers should protect themselves from the sun’s harmful effects by wearing sunscreen and a hat. Insect repellent is also recommended.
Should carry at least one liter of water to stay hydrated throughout the hike. Depending on the season, it may be necessary to pack rain protection such as a rain jacket or poncho. It’s also recommended to bring a camera to capture the awe-inspiring sights and breathtaking scenery along the trail.

The optimal time to embark on the four-day, three-night Inka Trail hike is from April through October. During these months, the weather is generally dry and sunny, providing ideal hiking conditions. However, it’s important to note that weather patterns in the region can be unpredictable and sudden changes in weather can occur.
To prepare for any eventualities, hikers should be equipped with appropriate clothing and gear for various weather conditions, including rain protection during the rainy season.
It’s also essential to stay informed and consulting with tour guides.

Indeed, it is mandatory to make advanced reservations to participate in the four-day, three-night Inka Trail hike, as the Peruvian government strictly limits the number of visitors allowed on the trail each day. This regulation is in place to preserve the trail and minimize environmental impacts.
To secure a spot on the hike, it is highly recommended to make reservations several weeks or even months in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, and facilitate the reservation process and ensure that all necessary permits and arrangements are in order.

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