Inka Trail
5 days

One of the most exciting experiences in the world arranged for you that avoids traffic from many visitors. Explore this magical tour of the Inka Trail, it will take you to the top of the mountains to appreciate the beauty of nature in the Andes.

The Trek

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Trek Description


“Welcome to our thrilling Full Camping adventure! Immerse yourself in nature; our tours are tailored for camping enthusiasts, taking you beyond the daily grind. Connect authentically with Mother Nature (PACHAMAMA) in an exhilarating journey through mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers. Discover the magic of the great outdoors and forge lasting memories with Full Camping. Welcome to a unique experience!”

One of the most exciting experiences in the world is arranged for you, which avoids the traffic from many visitors. Explore this magical tour of the Inka Trail; it will take you to the top of the mountains to appreciate the beauty of nature in the Andes. This route will show you many Inka temples and unveil the mysteries of our history: roads that cross mountain ranges, forests, tunnels, and firm trails on the precipices. This was one of the great technological advances of our ancestors. There will be no doubt when we have before our eyes the wonder of the modern world, Machupicchu, a piece of stone construction made into an art form that fits perfectly with Mother Earth. Come and be part of this Inka adventure!



DAY 01


In the morning, we will travel to Piscacuchu (KM 82), where the adventure will begin. We will follow an undulating path through the Sacred Valley, between two immense rocky mountains that will give us a mystical touch. Along the way, we will see Inka evidence. At the end of the day, we will explore the Inka city of Patallacta, which is located in front of our camp.

Distance: 8 km hiking.
Maximum Altitude: 3350 m.a.s.l Cusco.
• Minimum Altitude: 2600 m.a.s.l at the Patallaqta camp.
• Feasibility: Transportation and Inka trail.
• Difficulty level: Easy
• Activities: Adventure, Inka trail, visit to Ollantaytambo town, Arqueological centers: Pinkulluna, Patallaqta, landscape, and local people’s life.
• Overnight: Camping in Patallaqta.

DAY 02


On this day, we will continue heading to Huayllabamba and visit Paucarmarka, an Inka construction. From there, we will ascend following the original Inka Trail. It will be possible to see the passage of the third day. In this section, we will have an experience in native forests, which will enrich our experience with their beauty. Upon arrival at the camp, a landscape like no other will await us.

• Distance: 10 km hiking.
• Maximum Altitude: 3800 m.a.s.l Llulluchapampa.
• Minimum Altitude: 2600 m.a.s.l Llaqtapata.
• Feasibility: Inka trail.
• Difficulty level: Moderate – difficult.
• Activities: Adventure, Inka trail, landscape, wild life, visit to Arqueological center: Paucarmarca.
• Overnight: Camping in Llulluchapampa.

DAY 03


The great day has arrived to reach the three steps. The first step is the highest on the Inka Trail, named Warmiwañusca (the step of the dead woman), and it crosses the Andes mountain range. The next portion of the trail first descends and then ascends to the second pass, where we will have a broader view of what we have left to walk. Heading to the third step, where we will camp, we will encounter the most diverse natural life, landscape, and plenty of culture, due to the various Inka temples that are in this part. Upon arrival at the camp, we will have the best view of the Inka Trail and may even be able to see the Machupicchu mountain.

  • Distance: 10 km hiking.
  • Maximum Altitude: 4200 m.a.s.l at dead Woman’s pass.
  • Minimum Altitude: 3600 m.a.s.l at Chaquicocha throughout the tour.
  •  Feasibility: Inka trail.
  • Difficulty level: Moderate-difficult.
  • Activities: Adventure, Inka trail, landscape, wildlife, visits to Archaeological sites: Runkurakay, Sayacmarka, Conchamarka.
  • Overnight: Camping at Phullupatamarka.

DAY 04


A relaxing day awaits us. Undoubtedly, we will have many questions to solve regarding the mysteries of the Inka civilization. The most impressive Inka city on the way is Wiñayhuayna, which means “always young.” On this day, we will explore this mysterious place. In the afternoon, we will continue our way to Inti Punku, the “Sun Gate” and the original entrance to the Inka city. From there, we will have the first view of the lost city of the Inkas. Upon arrival, we will have time to enjoy the sanctuary, and then we will take the bus down to the town of Aguas Calientes.

• Distance: 13 km hiking.
• Maximum Altitude: 3680 m.a.s.l at Phullupatamarka.
• Minimum Altitude: 2040 m.a.s.l in Aguas Calientes.
• Feasibility: Inka Trail – bus.
• Difficulty level: Moderate.
• Activities: Inka trail, landscape, wild life, visit to archaeological centers: Phuyupatamarka, Intipata, Wiñaywayna, Sun gate, and relaxing time in Machupicchu.
• Overnight: Hotel in Aguas Calientes.

DAY 05


The most awaited day has arrived! We will visit Machupicchu, the emblem of our culture, and we will live an experience that transports us to the time of the Inkas. Surrounded by the beauty of the surrounding mountains, we will have a unique and mystical panorama. We will take one of the buses that will take us to the historic sanctuary of Machupicchu. In the afternoon, we will take the train back to Cusco.

  •  Maximum altitude: 2430 m.a.s.l at Machupicchu.
     Minimum Altitude: 2040 m.a.s.l in Aguas Calientes.
  •  Feasibility: Bus and walking tour in Machupicchu.
  •  Difficulty level: Easy.
  • Activities: Landscape viewing, guided tour of Machupicchu, exploring the historical, archaeological and cultural aspects of the site.

Inka Trail 5 Days

The Inka Trail is one of the most mystical and famous places in South America, with a rich history and culture that dates back to the time of the Inka civilization. This hiking route extends from the city of Cusco to the ancient university of Machupicchu, one of the archaeological wonders of the world.

For centuries, the Inka Trail has been considered a sacred and mystical place by the indigenous peoples of the Tawantinsuyo (South America). The Inkas built this route to connect centers of research and advanced studies.

Over the years, many explorers and adventurers have visited the Inka Trail to experience the magic and mysticism of the region. Among them is the American explorer and archaeologist Hiram Bingham, who rediscovered Machupicchu in 1911, and Princess Diana of Wales, who visited the region in 1995 and marveled at the beauty and mysticism of the area.

The Inka Trail is different from other hiking routes in the region as it offers a unique and authentic experience of Inka culture. During the tour, hikers can get up close to Inka archaeological centers and fortresses, as well as impressive natural landscapes, such as mountains, valleys, rivers, glaciers, humid and cloudy forests, with a great diversity of flora and fauna. Additionally, the Inka Trail is a mystical place imbued with the spirituality and culture of the Inkas. Hikers can feel the mystical presence of the region and experience a deep connection with the nature and spirituality of the area.

The Inka Trail is a mystical and famous place that attracts many explorers and adventurers from all over the world, who seek to experience the magic and mysticism of the region, thanks to its rich history and culture.


Reasons why people should do the Inka Trail:

Cultural and archaeological experience: The Inka Trail offers an authentic experience of Inka culture, with the opportunity to see up close the Inka ruins and fortresses, as well as the impressive architecture and engineering of the ancient Inkas. Additionally, the trail passes through many important archaeological sites, providing travelers with a deeper understanding of the region’s history.

Natural beauty: The Inka Trail route offers stunning natural landscapes, with views of the mountains, valleys, and rivers of the region. Furthermore, hikers can see a wealth of flora and fauna from the region, making the experience even more memorable.

Physical challenge: The Inka Trail is a physically challenging and demanding trek, making it ideal for people looking for a physical and emotional challenge. Hikers must be in good physical and mental shape to complete the trail, making the experience even more satisfying.

Connection with nature and spirituality: The Inka Trail is a mystical and sacred place imbued with the spirituality and culture of the Inkas. Hikers can feel a deep connection with the nature and spirituality of the region, which can be a transformative experience.

Community and camaraderie: The Inka Trail is a shared experience that is often done in small groups. Hikers can make friends and lasting connections with other people on the trail, making the experience even more enriching.

The Inka Trail is a unique and exciting experience that offers the perfect blend of culture, history, natural beauty, and physical challenge. It is an opportunity to connect with nature and spirituality, as well as to make lasting connections with other people. For these reasons and many more, the Inka Trail is an experience that everyone should consider in their lifetime.

Celebrities who have done the Inka Trail in the past:

  • Will Smith: In 2019, American actor and film producer Will Smith traveled to Peru and completed the Inka Trail with his family.
  • Karlie Kloss: American supermodel and entrepreneur Karlie Kloss has also completed the Inka Trail in the past.
  • Diane Kruger: German actress Diane Kruger has also completed the Inka Trail, according to press reports.
  • Kevin McHale: American actor and singer Kevin McHale, known for his role in the television series “Glee”, has shared his experience on the Inka Trail on his social media.
  • Chris Hemsworth: Australian actor, known for his role as Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has visited Peru in the past and is believed to have completed the Inka Trail.


Each location for overnight stays is strategically located in places where you can appreciate and feel the wonderful magic of Mother Nature.All of the camping equipment we provide is specially designed for high mountain conditions so that you can enjoy the outdoor adventure as much as possible and be more comfortable with the weather conditions. We offer highly personalized service.

1 Llaqta Pata

inka trail 4 days

2 Llullucha Pampa

3 Phullupatamarka

4 Machupicchu - Aguas Calientes

5 Aguas Calientes - Cusco

Ayahuasca retreat in salkantay to machupicchu 9 days



1 trekker: U$$  2,921.00*
 2 trekkers: U$$  2,031.00*
 3 trekkers: U$$  1,560.00*
 4 trekkers: U$$  1,338.00*
 5 trekkers: U$$  1,233.00*
 6 trekkers: U$$  1,156.00*
 7 trekkers: U$$  1,101.00*
 8 trekkers: U$$  1,060.00*
 9 trekkers: U$$  1,05800*
 10 or more, trekkers: U$$  1,056.00



You must request this at the time that you make your reservation.

  • Porter to carry 8kg (17.6lb): $85 USD.
  • Porter to carry 15kg (33lb): $150 USD. 
  • Private tent: $50 USD
  • Hiking poles:  25.00 USD
  • Machupichu +Huaynapicchu :  75.00. USD
  • Machupicchu + Montaña:  75.00. USD

¿What makes us

one of a kind?

Our distinction lies in our dual expertise as professionals in tourist guiding and as spiritual masters dedicated to preserving Inkan wisdom. This unique combination enables us to offer our clients an enriching and deeply spiritual tourist experience. Furthermore, as an Inkan-origin agency, we are committed to social responsibility. We work tirelessly to support those in our community who need it most. We allocate financial resources to carry out social work with individuals battling addictions, who have suffered from violations, or other traumatic experiences that impact their personal development. Your choice to travel with us directly contributes to this social work, helping us make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

shaman leaders

Our organization of spiritual leaders is truly diverse and joyful, as it is composed of masterful leaders of both genders who are experts in Inka knowledge

yachay wasi

Yachay Wasi stands as a distinguished school, dedicated to the transmission of millennia-old ancestral wisdom to future generations with a forward-thinking approach deeply rooted in tradition.

Natural therapy

Treating individuals with addiction disorders or other problems, who have low economic resources, requires a considerable duration depending on the specific situation, with the goal of achieving physical, mental, and spiritual recovery..


The Inka Trail is a 5-day trek that’s generally considered moderate, as it involves walking short distances each day. However, as you climb to higher altitudes – up to 4215 meters above sea level – things can get tougher. To avoid altitude sickness, it’s a good idea to acclimatize before you start the trek. This means giving your body time to adjust to the altitude before you hit the trail.

The highest point on the 5-day 4-night Inca Trail is at approximately 4,215 meters above sea level, which is at the Warmiwañusca Pass, also known as the Dead Woman’s Pass (but don’t worry, it’s just a name!). The second-highest peak is Runku Rakay, standing at 3,900 meters above sea level, followed by Pullupata Marka at 3,670 meters above sea level.

The starting point of the 5-day 4-night Inka Trail is kilometer 82 of the Cusco-Machupicchu railway, and the ending point is Machupicchu.

Indeed, it is essential to engage the services of a tour guide to complete the Inka trail 5-day, 4-night trek. These expert guides are highly trained in essential skills such as rescue operations and first aid, ensuring that participants remain safe throughout the journey.

Moreover, these guides possess a wealth of knowledge about the Inca history and culture that is intrinsic to the route, allowing participants to gain a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural significance of the area. The guides are also well-versed in the flora and fauna of the region, providing valuable insights into the diverse ecological systems that are encountered during the trek.

In summary, the expertise of tour guides is indispensable to ensure a safe, engaging, and educational experience for participants undertaking the Salkantay trek. By drawing on their vast knowledge of the area’s history, culture, and ecology, these guides are an invaluable asset to the trekking experience, enriching participants’ understanding and appreciation of this unique and beautiful region.

For a successful and enjoyable Inka trail, it is crucial to come equipped with appropriate gear and supplies. Participants should pack comfortable and lightweight clothing, ensuring that they are prepared for the diverse and changeable weather conditions that are characteristic of the region.

Comfortable hiking boots are a must to navigate the rugged and uneven terrain, providing adequate support and protection for the feet. A day backpack is also essential to carry essential items, such as, sunscreen, hat, insect repellent, and a water bottle.

Additionally, a camera is highly recommended to capture the stunning natural landscapes and vistas that will undoubtedly leave participants in awe. By bringing a camera, participants can record their journey and create a lasting visual memory of this extraordinary experience.

Along the trail, hikers can visit several awe-inspiring Inkan sites, including Llactapata, Runkurakay, Sayacmarca, Phuyupatamarca, and Wiñay Wayna. These ancient builds and settlements offer a remarkable insight into the impressive architectural and engineering skills of the Inkas, as well as their complex social and religious practices. From the towering stone structures of Runkurakay to the breathtaking panoramic views from Phuyupatamarca, each site presents a distinctive and unforgettable experience. By trekking the Inka Trail, hikers can connect with the past and present, and gain a deeper appreciation of the rich history and cultural heritage of the Andean region.

Certainly, it is imperative to secure reservations beforehand to embark on the 5-day 4-night Inka Trail given the heightened demand and the capped number of permits sanctioned by the Peruvian government. To ensure a place, it is advisable to reserve several months ahead of time.

The regulations set by the Peruvian Ministry of Culture allow for a maximum group size of 15 people on the 5-day Inka Trail, but kuraka travel choose to limit their groups to 10 people for a more personalized and enjoyable experience.

The optimal period to embark on the 5-day 4-night Inka Trail is during the dry season from May to September. This period provides favorable weather conditions and lower chances of precipitation, making it easier and safer to traverse the trail. In addition, the dry season offers a clearer view of the breathtaking landscapes, ancient ruins, and majestic peaks along the trail. However, it is important to note that the trail can still be challenging during the dry season, with high altitude and steep terrain, so hikers should be adequately prepared with proper gear and physical fitness.

It is advisable to pack appropriate trekking attire such as moisture-wicking clothing, insulating layers, waterproof gear, sturdy hiking boots, and accessories such as sunscreen, insect repellent, a flashlight, a backpack, a refillable water bottle, a camera, a portable charger, and trekking poles for added stability and support.

In terms of the campsite logistics, the customary practice entails assigning shared tents to each pair or group participant. Nonetheless, if you prefer to have a private tent for yourself, you can effortlessly request one either during the reservation process

Throughout the retreat, our support team will be equipped with a portable restroom containing all necessary sanitary facilities, with a keen focus on environmental sustainability. Meanwhile, during the hike, we will rely on natural outdoor restroom facilities. It is critical to be mindful of waste disposal practices and avoid littering in this delicate ecosystem. We highly recommend carrying a biodegradable bag to contain all waste materials, which can be properly disposed of upon reaching the campsite, where our support team will recycle as appropriate.

A culinary expert responsible for the trail provisions offers water that has been filtered and boiled to ensure it is safe for consumption during the journey. This helps to prevent any potential health risks that may arise from consuming untreated water on the trail.

Indeed, there are multiple rest stops available along the Inka Trail, including strategically located viewpoints that offer stunning and awe-inspiring vistas of the surrounding natural and cultural landscapes.

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