Salkantay Hike with Ayahuasca ceremony 5 days & 5 nights


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TREK Description


“Welcome to our thrilling Camping retreat adventure! Immerse yourself in nature; our tours are tailored for camping enthusiasts, taking you beyond the daily grind. Connect authentically with Mother Nature (PACHAMAMA) in an exhilarating journey through mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers. Discover the magic of the great outdoors and forge lasting memories with Camping retreat. Welcome to a unique experience!”

The purpose of this retreat is to experience physical, mental, and spiritual healing, and we have organized an appropriate Inka retreat for this purpose, salkantay hike with ayahuasca ceremony 5 days & 5 nights. During the retreat, we will follow the same path as the Inka ancestors who journeyed to spiritual centers like Machu Picchu for extended periods of time. This retreat will allow each participant to deepen their self-understanding and connection with nature. It will serve as an intensive course on living a more balanced and harmonious life with all living beings around us. The ancient paths created by the spiritual guides, known as INTI YAYAKUNA (priest of the Sun) and KILLA YAYAKUNA (priestess of the Moon), were designed considering astronomy and energy fields to open our hearts and strengthen our spirit. This work, which has been studied for thousands of years by knowledgeable and native people from Cusco, aims to transmit ancestral wisdom through sacred native ceremonies involving the sacred plant AYAHUASCA, which has been used by our ancestors for generations. AYAHUASCA is a medicine that heals and awakens consciousness in every human being who decides to explore their inner self.


This program has been carefully designed to be ahead of other groups and enjoy the landscapes without too many people.

Night 01


On this day, we will pass by your hotels at 2 pm to embark on a journey of approximately 3.5 hours to Soraypampa, where we will spend the night to begin the 5-day Salkantay trek with an ayahuasca ceremony. There, we will settle in for the night, allowing you to acclimate to the altitude and rest properly. All of this is in preparation for a scenic trek at around 4000 meters above sea level the following day. This specially designed day ensures that our visitors enjoy a peaceful night, setting the stage for the adventures to come.

  • Distance: 120 km driving.
  • Maximum Altitude: Soraypampa 3900 m.a.s.l.
  • Minimum Altitude:  cusco 3350 m.a.s.l.
  • Feasibility: driving
  • Difficulty level: Easy
  • Activities: Relaxing day and acimatation
  • Overnight: Hostal night in soraypama

DAY 01


After breakfast towards Soraypampa, situated at an altitude of 3890 meters, where we will commence our trek to Humantay Lagoon, situated at an elevation of 4270 meters. After that, we will descend to Soraypampa and proceed to Soqrococha, situated at an altitude of 4880 meters. This route will be replete with breathtaking landscapes, lagoons, and glaciers. We will make our way to the campsite, following the slopes of the colossal Salkantay Glacier. This day will be awe-inspiring, as our campsite is in proximity to the glacier, and we recommend warm clothing.

  • Distance: 10 km hiking.
  • Maximum Altitude: Soqro cocha 4880 m.a.s.l.
  • Minimum Altitude:  Soraypampa 3980m.a.s.l.
  • Feasibility: Trail.
  • Difficulty level: Moderate to hard.
  • Activities: hiking, lakes, landscapes, glaciers, Salkantay , cultural, and mystical experiences.
  • Overnight: Camping in Soqro cocha

DAY 02


A day replete with technical and geographical marvels as we will achieve the apogee of our expedition at the Salkantay Pass, positioned at a staggering altitude of 4630 meters above sea level, relishing the panoramic vista extending from the eastern to western horizons, coupled with the immense gratification of being in such close proximity to a colossal glacier. Subsequently, we shall undertake a descent towards considerably lower elevations, experiencing a dramatic shift in altitude zones, ecological systems, flora, and fauna, as we traverse into tropical regions boasting milder climates, on our way to the ensuing encampment, sited at 2750 meters above sea level.

  • Distance: 16 km hiking.
  • Maximum Altitude: Salkantay pass, 4630 m.a.s.l.
  • Minimum Altitude: Qollpa pampa, 2850 m.a.s.l.
  • Feasibility: Hiking
  • Difficulty level: Moderate – easy
  • Activities: Walk, cloud forest, tropical and subtropical forest.
  • Overnight: Camping in Qollpa Pampa.

DAY 03


Before starting the walk, we will partake in the coffee experience with one of the great coffee producers in the area. This is an unmissable experience as the area has international recognition for the greatest quality of coffee.

We will follow the original Inka trail to the archaeological center of LLACTAPATA, which is located at 2700 m.a.s.l. Here, we will have the first view of Machupicchu and the sacred mountains around it. We will perform the ayahuasca ceremony with the great Inca city of Machupicchu in front of us. Truly, a Wonder of the World.


  • Coffee experience
  • Original Inka Trail hike
  • Panoramic views of valleys and rivers
  • Ayahuasca ceremony
  • Visit to the Inka center of Llactapata
  • Panoramic view of Machupicchu
  • 7km hike

DAY 04


On this day, we will rise early to witness the sunrise at Machu Picchu, an extraordinary occurrence that no Salkantay excursionist ought to overlook. Following this, we will indulge in breakfast while relishing the scenic view of Machu Picchu. Subsequently, we will commence a 1.5-hour descent to the Aobamba River, positioned at an elevation of 1900 meters, where we will take a frigid glacier bath to rejuvenate ourselves from the sultry weather. Finally, we will journey towards Hydroelectric, where we will savor our lunch and embark on the train to Aguas Calientes.

  • Distance: 7 km hiking, 10 km by train
  • Maximum Altitude: 1640 m.a.s.l at Llactapata lodge.
  • Minimum Altitude: 2040 m.a.s.l in Aguas Calientes.
  • Feasibility: Trail.
  • Difficulty level: Easy
  • Activities: hiking, landscape, 
  • Overnight: Hotel in Aguas Calientes town.

DAY 05


The highly anticipated day of our excursion to Machu Picchu, a cultural emblem, has finally arrived. We are set to embark on a journey that will transport us to the Incan era, amidst the exquisite beauty of the surrounding mountains and an unparalleled mystical panorama. Our means of transportation to the historical sanctuary of Machu Picchu will be via one of the designated buses. Following the tour, The return journey to Cusco will be via train in the afternoon.

  • Maximum altitude: 2430 m.a.s.l at Machupicchu.
  • Minimum Altitude: 2040 m.a.s.l in Aguas Calientes.
  • Feasibility: Bus and ride in Machupicchu.
  • Difficulty level: Easy.
  • Activities: Enjoying the landscape, taking a tour of Machu Picchu, exploring its history, archaeology, and culture.

more thing you should know about salkantay

In the Peruvian Andes, Salkantay Mountain has been venerated as a sacred and mystical site by the indigenous Inca community for centuries. Its towering height of 6,271 meters renders it a regal and enigmatic peak that has enthralled the imaginations of numerous individuals throughout the ages.

The illustrious Apu Salkantay is deemed the abode of influential deities who preside over the mountain’s summit and safeguard the surrounding region. According to Inca mythology, Salkantay was a sacred mountain associated with fecundity, opulence, and environmental balance. The Incas regarded Salkantay as one of the most sacred mountains in the region and attributed it with restorative properties for the minds of its visitors.

Throughout history, a plethora of explorers and adventurers have journeyed to the region in search of the enchanting allure and mysticism of Salkantay Mountain. Among them is the renowned American author Mark Twain, who visited the region during the 19th century and was deeply impressed by the mountain’s splendor and magnificence.

Salkantay is renowned for its mysticism and cultural and spiritual significance in the region. The Salkantay trek offers an unparalleled experience that fosters a profound connection to the nature and spirituality of the region, rendering it a mystical experience that entices numerous visitors from all corners of the world.

Although the Inca Trail is arguably the most prominent hiking route in the region, the Salkantay trek has emerged as a preferred alternative for those seeking a more arduous and less-traversed hiking experience. The Salkantay trail is a multi-day hiking itinerary that traverses mountains, valleys, and breathtaking natural landscapes. Along the route, hikers can revel in panoramic vistas of Salkantay Mountain, as well as the region’s flora and fauna.

Compared to the Inca Trail, the Salkantay trek is lengthier and more strenuous. It is also less frequented, offering hikers a more authentic and solitary experience. Along the way, hikers can also immerse themselves in the local culture and learn about the traditions and customs of the region’s inhabitants.

Reasons why you should do the Salkantay trek:

  1. Experiencing the Salkantay trek is a means of forging a connection with nature and disengaging from the rigors of daily life. Hikers can immerse themselves in the tranquility of the natural environment and find peace away from the clamor and disturbances of urban living.
  2. Trekking Adventure: Salkantay presents an exhilarating challenge for those who love adventure. The hike spans several days and provides a splendid opportunity to test one’s endurance and skills.
  3. Stunning vistas: Salkantay boasts awe-inspiring panoramas of mountains, glaciers, and valleys, making it one of the most splendid hiking destinations in the world.
  4. Biodiversity: Salkantay is abundant with diverse flora and fauna, including both endemic and endangered species.
  5. Cultural immersion: Along the trek, you can engage with local communities and gain insight into their culture and customs.
  6. Lack of crowds: In contrast to other trekking paths in the area, Salkantay is relatively unpopulated. This allows for more space and freedom to hike with your companions.
  7. Diverse terrain: The route passes through a range of landscapes, from the jungle to the snow-capped mountains, ensuring a varied and engaging hiking experience.
  8. Visit to Machu Picchu: The Salkantay trek culminates at Machu Picchu, one of the seven wonders of the modern world.
  9. Opportunity for detachment: During the hike, you will experience a sense of detachment from modern society, providing an opportunity for introspection and reconnection with nature.
  10. Personal growth: The Salkantay trek presents a significant personal challenge that will push you to surpass your limits and boost your self-efficacy.
  11. Unmatched adventure: In summary, the Salkantay route offers an unparalleled adventure that is exclusive to the region.


Our ancestors measured time by observing cosmic stars such as the sun and the moon, which maintain the balance of life on our planet Earth. It has been scientifically proven that these stars influence the behavior of humanity, as well as animals, plants, and natural elements. Because of this, spiritual retreats should be held in the SACRED energy centers of Mother Nature (PACHAMAMA) following our ancestors’ traditional way.

 FULL MOON: stage, where cycles are closed, the Inka ancestors worked with the full moon and performed sacred ceremonies in honor of MAMA QUILLA (Mother Moon), channeling the energy of this ASTRO, and they could know and see how complete they were. During this full moon process, an external energetic exploration is performed to observe our objectives, making use of the sacred medicine AYAHUASCA.

NEW MOON: the first phase of the lunar cycle, it is a time for self-analysis and reflection on ourselves for a new beginning on the path of life. In ancient times, the ancestors performed sacred ceremonies using the sacred medicine AYAHUASCA to explore the inner world of oneself and to deeply purify the physical and spiritual body to BE REBORN AND GROW again as beings of light.

SOLSTICES: Solstices are special events that happen twice a year when the Sun reaches its furthest point to the north or south of the Earth’s equator. The summer solstice occurs in late June, and the winter solstice occurs in late December.

During solstices, there is a change in the energy that flows from the universe towards Earth. The summer solstice brings more energy, and the sunlight is stronger, which can make you feel more optimistic and ready to grow. On the other hand, the winter solstice brings less energy, and the sunlight is weaker, which can make you feel more reflective and introspective.

Many cultures consider solstices to be sacred moments and celebrate them with special rituals and ceremonies to show respect for nature and connect with the universe. Some people also believe that during solstices, they can use meditation and creative visualization to bring their desires and goals to reality.

EQUINOXES: Equinoxes are remarkable celestial events that happen twice a year when day and night have equal length all over the world. The spring (or vernal) equinox takes place around March 20th, while the fall equinox happens around September 22nd.

During equinoxes, there is a moment of balance and harmony when the cosmic energy flows towards Earth in a more uniform and stable way. These events make it easier to attain inner and outer harmony, which can facilitate a deeper connection with nature and the universe.

In various cultures, equinoxes hold special significance and are commemorated with rituals and ceremonies to show reverence for nature and promote balance in life. Some people believe that equinoxes offer a chance to release negative energies and renew positive energy through a spiritual connection with nature.

Why Is It Crucial To Heal And Nurture The Mind

Emotional well-being: Mental health directly affects our emotional well-being. When our mind is in balance, we are able to experience positive emotions, manage stress and life’s challenges more effectively, and enjoy greater overall satisfaction and happiness.

sacred valley and short inka trail 3 days

Interpersonal relationships: Our mental health influences the way we relate to others. When we are emotionally balanced, we can establish healthy relationships, communicate effectively, show empathy and understanding, and maintain strong and meaningful bonds with our loved ones.

Performance and productivity: A healthy mind is essential for optimal performance and good productivity in all areas of our lives. When we are mentally balanced, we are more capable of focusing, making wise decisions, solving problems, being creative, and achieving our goals.

salkantay reatreat 9 days

Physical health: There is a close connection between the mind and the body. Mental health influences physical health and vice versa. Chronic stress and mental health problems can manifest physically in the form of headaches, digestive issues, sleep disorders, and weakened immune system. Therefore, taking care of our mind also contributes to maintaining good physical health.

Resilience and coping: Mental health strengthens our ability to cope with life’s challenges and adversities. A healthy mind allows us to develop effective coping skills, adapt to changes, overcome obstacles, and recover more quickly from difficulties.

Naupa Iglesia Cusco Day Trip

It Is Important To Use Therapies Based On Natural Remedies.

Promotes healthy lifestyle habits: The use of natural medicine implies a holistic approach to health, which includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and care of the body and mind. By adopting these habits from a young age, a solid foundation for a healthy life is established and long-term disease prevention is encouraged.

Reduced exposure to synthetic substances: Many conventional medications contain synthetic chemical compounds that can have side effects and lead to dependency. The use of natural medicine, based on plants and natural products, reduces exposure to these substances and may decrease the risk of potential adverse effects.

Indigenous Teachings: The Four Sacred Medicinal Plants

Stimulates connection with nature: The use of natural medicine connects us with natural resources and invites us to appreciate the wisdom of nature. This fosters greater awareness and respect for the environment, which is important for promoting sustainability and the care of our surroundings.

salkantay reatreat 9 days

Promotes self-responsibility in health: By using natural medicine, individuals become more aware and responsible for their own health. They learn to listen to their bodies, identify early signs of imbalance, and seek natural solutions to restore balance and promote healing. This fosters autonomy and self-care throughout life.

ayahuasca therapy

Preventive approach: Natural medicine often focuses on disease prevention and maintaining balance and harmony in the body. By adopting preventive approaches from a young age, many common health issues can be avoided or reduced, promoting long-term overall well-being.

Short Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Benefits of Ayahuasca Retreat in Salkantay

Self-awareness: Spiritual retreats provide a conducive environment for exploring and gaining a better understanding of who we are at a deeper level. They allow us to reflect on our beliefs, values, and purpose in life.

Relaxation and stress reduction: During spiritual retreats, the practice of relaxation techniques such as meditation and mindfulness is encouraged, which can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and tranquility.

Renewal and rejuvenation: Stepping away from the demands and everyday responsibilities during a spiritual retreat can provide a time for rest and renewal, allowing us to recharge and revitalize our body, mind, and spirit.

Mental clarity and decision-making: By disconnecting from external noise and distractions, spiritual retreats enable us to clear our minds and facilitate more conscious decision-making aligned with our values and aspirations.

Emotional healing: Spiritual retreats offer a safe and supportive space to address and heal emotional wounds. Through practices such as therapeutic writing, group work, and complementary therapies, one can experience emotional relief and increased mental stability.

Connection with nature: Many spiritual retreats take place in natural settings, providing an opportunity to connect with the beauty and harmony of nature. This can generate a sense of peace and connection with something greater than ourselves.

Strengthening spirituality: Spiritual retreats provide a space to deepen the practice and exploration of personal spirituality. They can help strengthen the connection with the divine, find meaning and purpose in life, and cultivate a greater connection with the spiritual realm.

Learning and growth: Spiritual retreats often include workshops, lectures, and teachings by spiritual teachers, facilitators, or leaders. These learning opportunities can expand our knowledge, open new perspectives, and foster personal growth.

Community and support: Spiritual retreats bring together people with similar spiritual interests and goals. This creates a sense of community, companionship, and mutual support, where experiences, wisdom, and perspectives can be shared, and meaningful relationships can be established.

Inspiration and motivation: Participating in a spiritual retreat can be a source of inspiration and motivation to lead a more conscious and authentic life. It can awaken new ideas, ignite dormant passions, and provide the necessary impetus for making positive changes in our lives.


Each location for overnight stays is strategically located in places where you can appreciate and feel the wonderful magic of Mother Nature. All of the camping equipment we provide is specially designed for high mountain conditions so that you can enjoy the outdoor adventure as much as possible and be more comfortable with the weather conditions. We offer a highly personalized service.



Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu





Ayahuasca retreat in salkantay to machupicchu 9 days
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salkantay retreat 9 days
Top 10 Spiritual Retreats in Peru
salkantay hike
salkantay hike
Hiking the Salkantay Trail in 2023 2024





 Trekker: $  1400 per person





 price US$ 2050 per person


You must request this at the time that you make your reservation.

  • Saddle horse  $50.00 USD. 
  • extra 7 kg: $20.00 USD. 
  • Private tent: $50.00 USD 
  • Hiking poles: USD 30.00 USD 
  • sleeping bag -15 °c  $40.00 USD.
  • Machupichu +Huaynapicchu : USD 75.00.
  • Machupicchu + Montaña: USD 75.00.

¿What makes us

one of a kind?

Our distinction lies in our dual expertise as professionals in tourist guiding and as spiritual masters dedicated to preserving Inkan wisdom. This unique combination enables us to offer our clients an enriching and deeply spiritual tourist experience. Furthermore, as an Inkan-origin agency, we are committed to social responsibility. We work tirelessly to support those in our community who need it most. We allocate financial resources to carry out social work with individuals battling addictions, who have suffered from violations, or other traumatic experiences that impact their personal development. Your choice to travel with us directly contributes to this social work, helping us make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

shaman leaders

Our organization of spiritual leaders is truly diverse and joyful, as it is composed of masterful leaders of both genders who are experts in Inka knowledge

yachay wasi

Yachay Wasi stands as a distinguished school, dedicated to the transmission of millennia-old ancestral wisdom to future generations with a forward-thinking approach deeply rooted in tradition.

Natural therapy

Treating individuals with addiction disorders or other problems, who have low economic resources, requires a considerable duration depending on the specific situation, with the goal of achieving physical, mental, and spiritual recovery..


This is a five-day program specifically designed for the practice of meditation, introspection, spiritual connectivity, and self-healing. The retreat aims to provide respite from the stresses and distractions of urban life that adversely impact our well-being. Our natural surroundings, ancestral sacred sites, and the guided hike on the Salkantay route will serve as the venue for this immersive experience. We cordially invite you to partake in this transformative opportunity that promises to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.

The forthcoming retreat will emulate the spiritual pilgrimages undertaken by our esteemed Inca ancestors. To enhance the comfort and convenience of our participants, we have arranged for the utilization of tents during the program. However, during the Ayahuasca ceremony nights, we will be situated in the open-air ambiance of the ancient Inca centers, allowing for a more authentic and spiritual experience. Rest assured, we will provide comfortable mats and sleeping bags to ensure the utmost comfort and relaxation during these ceremonies.

The nutrition provided during the retreat is exclusively sourced from local, organic produce, which is ideally suited for both hiking and retreats. These nutrient-dense, alkaline-based foods supply essential proteins, carbohydrates, and micronutrients, crucial for optimal physical performance and recovery. For participants requiring a vegan diet, we also offer vegan options to cater to their needs. It is imperative to recognize that the journey towards holistic healing commences with the nutrition we provide to our bodies.

We strongly advise that participants bring appropriate attire for trekking and cold weather conditions, particularly during the initial three days, which will take place at high altitudes and therefore will be quite cold. The third night will be particularly chilly, as we will be located at an elevation of 4480 meters above sea level. As we progress towards the jungle’s edge, the weather will gradually become milder and more tropical in nature.

To ensure your comfort and well-being, we recommend packing the following items:

  • Trekking clothes suitable for rugged terrain
  • Thermal clothing to keep you warm during the cold nights
  • Rain gear to protect against sudden showers
  • Lightweight clothing suitable for the tropical climate of the jungle’s edge
  • Sufficient socks and underwear to last for the entire duration of the nine-day retreat.

Our retreat is tailored for individuals seeking to augment their spiritual journey. It is highly advised that the choice to partake in this retreat should be an independent and introspective decision. We welcome minors to attend our retreat, provided they are at least 12 years of age.

The Salkantay trek is a challenging and adventurous journey that begins in Soyrapampa and culminates in Aguas Calientes. This awe-inspiring journey takes hikers through a range of breathtaking landscapes, from dense forests to snow-capped mountains and glistening glaciers. Soyrapampa, the starting point, is a small village nestled in the heart of the Andes mountains, surrounded by lush vegetation and incredible views. As hikers make their way towards Aguas Calientes, they will cross rugged terrain, steep stairs, and altitude changes, testing their physical endurance and mental resilience. Finally, they will reach Aguas Calientes, a quaint town known for its thermal hot springs and as the gateway to the magnificent Machu Picchu. The Salkantay trek is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that promises to leave hikers with unforgettable memories and a deep connection to nature.

The climate in the region where the trek takes place can be highly unpredictable, with rapid and significant changes in weather patterns. Typically, the climate is characterized by chilly temperatures in the mornings and evenings, with warm and pleasant conditions during the day.

Given this variability, it is highly recommended that participants come prepared with suitable clothing to manage the diverse climatic conditions. This should include a range of layers to provide warmth when needed, as well as rain gear to protect against unexpected rainfall. It is also important to bring sun protection, such as hats, sunscreen, and sunglasses, as the sun can be intense in this region.

During the trek, participants will traverse diverse terrain that encompasses glaciers and cloud forests. As a result, the climate can shift from temperate to warm in a short period. Therefore, it is essential to pack appropriate clothing that can easily adapt to such variations in temperature.

In summary, being well-prepared for the diverse and changeable weather conditions in the region is critical for a successful and enjoyable trek. With the appropriate gear and attire, participants can remain comfortable and protected against the elements as they explore the stunning natural landscapes of the area.

Indeed, it is essential to engage the services of a tour guide to complete the Salkantay 6-day, 5-night trek. These expert guides are highly trained in essential skills such as rescue operations and first aid, ensuring that participants remain safe throughout the journey.

Moreover, these guides possess a wealth of knowledge about the Inca history and culture that is intrinsic to the route, allowing participants to gain a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural significance of the area. The guides are also well-versed in the flora and fauna of the region, providing valuable insights into the diverse ecological systems that are encountered during the trek.

In summary, the expertise of tour guides is indispensable to ensure a safe, engaging, and educational experience for participants undertaking the Salkantay trek. By drawing on their vast knowledge of the area’s history, culture, and ecology, these guides are an invaluable asset to the trekking experience, enriching participants’ understanding and appreciation of this unique and beautiful region.

For a successful and enjoyable Salkantay trek, it is crucial to come equipped with appropriate gear and supplies. Participants should pack comfortable and lightweight clothing, ensuring that they are prepared for the diverse and changeable weather conditions that are characteristic of the region.

Comfortable walking shoes are a must to navigate the rugged and uneven terrain, providing adequate support and protection for the feet. A day backpack is also essential to carry essential items, such as, sunscreen, hat, insect repellent, and a water bottle.

Additionally, a camera is highly recommended to capture the stunning natural landscapes and vistas that will undoubtedly leave participants in awe. By bringing a camera, participants can record their journey and create a lasting visual memory of this extraordinary experience.

Making an early reservation is crucial to secure access to Machu Picchu and the iconic mountains such as Waynapicchu and Machu Picchu Mountain.

By reserving in advance, visitors can ensure that they have guaranteed entry to these sought-after destinations, avoiding disappointment and potential delays. This is particularly important during peak tourist seasons when demand for access to these sites is exceptionally high.

Furthermore, early reservations allow for better planning and preparation, ensuring that visitors can fully immerse themselves in the beauty and history of these world-renowned landmarks. So, don’t wait, make your reservations early to guarantee access to these unforgettable destinations and make the most of your once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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