Seven Wonders of Machupicchu
7 days

Unveil a realm of wonders within a week, embracing unparalleled experiences and forging indelible memories on our 7-day tour.




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Tour Description

An alternative to explore and discover the most incredible places in Cusco and its surroundings, combining culture, history, and nature with adventure sports to create an exclusive experience on the trip to Machupicchu.


DAY 01


We’ll arrange airport transportation upon your arrival and make our journey to the Sacred Valley. On the way, we will visit a breeding site for Andean camelids: llamas, alpacas, vicunas and huanacos near Cusco. We’ll stop at strategic places to enjoy the wonderful landscape and visit the Inca city of Pisa’q and its charming traditional market. To avoid altitude sickness, we’ll  stay overnight in the Sacred Valley of the Inkas.

  • Distance: 33 km by transport.
  • Duration: 5 hours.
  • Maximum Altitude: 3399 m.a.s.l Cusco.
  • Minimum Altitude: 2900 m.a.s.l Pisa’q.
  • Feasibility: Transportation available.
  • Difficulty level: Easy.
  • Activities: Landscape appreciation, cultural experiences with alpacas and llamas, visit to the handcrafted market in Pisa’q, and exploration of the archaeological site of Pisa’q.
  • Overnight: Hotel in the Sacred Valley.

DAY 02


We shall persist in our inquiry regarding the technological, agricultural, textile, and mining innovations promulgated by the Inkas that have endured and continue to be safeguarded by the indigenous inhabitants to this day. Such endeavors enable us to fully comprehend and engage with the processes of natural dye extraction from animal wool, survey one of the centers of plant acclimatization and domestication, and explore the salt mines that have remained a crucial resource for eons. Thereafter, we shall embark on an intrepid cycling excursion from Moray to the Sacred Valley, culminating with a train journey from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes.

  • Distance: 22 km by transport, 15 km by bike, and 42 km by train.
  • Duration: All day.
  • Maximum Altitude: 3500 m.a.s.l Moray.
  • Minimum Altitude: 2040 m.a.s.l Aguas Calientes.
  • Feasibility: Transportation, biking, and train available.
  • Difficulty level: Easy.
  • Activities: Landscape appreciation, cultural experiences, visits to archaeological centers such as Ollantaytambo, Moray, and the salt mine, and mountain biking.
  • Overnight: Hotel in Aguas Calientes town.

DAY 03


The most awaited day has arrived! We will visit Machupicchu, an emblem of our culture, and live an experience that transports us to the time of the Inkas, surrounded by the beauty of the surrounding mountains and a unique and mystical panorama. We will take one of the buses that will transport us to the historic sanctuary of Machu Picchu, and then we will have lunch at the Tinkuy Belmond Restaurant, located next to Machupicchu. In the afternoon, we will take the train back to Cusco.

  • Maximum altitude: 2430 m.a.s.l Machupicchu.
  • Minimum Altitude: 2040 m.a.s.l Aguas Calientes.
  • Feasibility: Bus and walking tour in Machupicchu.
  • Difficulty level: Easy.
  • Activities: Landscape appreciation, tour of Machu Picchu, historical, archaeological, and cultural exploration.

DAY 04


Nowadays, it is an incredible feeling to reach Rainbow Mountain. Leaving Cusco in the morning, we will drive for approximately 3 hours to start the hike to Rainbow Mountain. With a landscape of varied colors, high mountains, and glaciers around, we will enjoy an unparalleled view. We will also explore the Red Valley, and the surrounding landscape will create an experience like no other.

  • Distance: 110 km by transport and 7 km by hiking trail.
  • Duration: All day.
  • Maximum Altitude: 5100 m.a.s.l Rainbow Mountain.
  • Minimum Altitude: 3399 m.a.s.l Cusco.
  • Feasibility: Transport and hiking trail.
  • Difficulty level: Moderate to Hard.
  • Activities: Landscape appreciation, cultural and historical exploration, adventure, hiking, and nature observation.
  • Overnight: Hotel in Cusco.

DAY 05


A day to explore the surroundings of Cusco. We’ll visit Sacsayhuaman, evidence of great engineering, and then continue in our transport to Pucapucara, the red fortress. From there, we will have a view of the surrounding mountains and the valley that we will explore. The walk will take us to visit archaeological sites forgotten in time and covered by nature. In the afternoon, we will travel to the Humantay base camp.

  • Distance: 30 km driving, 11 km hiking.
  • Duration: Full day.
  • Maximum Altitude: 3700 m.a.s.l Pucapucara.
  • Minimum Altitude: 3399 m.a.s.l Cusco.
  • Feasibility: Hiking and transportation.
  • Difficulty level: Easy.
  • Activities: Landscape, cultural, mystical, and visits to archaeological sites such as Sacsayhuaman, Pucapucara, and others along the way.
  • Overnight: Camping in Soraypampa.

DAY 06


We will wake up surrounded by glaciers. We will start our hike towards the Humantay lagoon. On the ascent, the landscape will continue to surprise us with the glaciers and the lagoon displaying natural colors, making it an epic life experience. After visiting the lagoon, we will return to our camp and continue the tour by following the Inka channel to enjoy the landscapes to the fullest. Our transportation will then return us to Cusco.

  • Distance: 101 km by car, 15 km on foot.
  • Duration: All day.
  • Maximum Altitude: 4230 m.a.s.l Humantay lake.
  • Minimum Altitude: 3399 m.a.s.l Cusco.
  • Feasibility: Trail and transportation.
  • Difficulty level: Moderate to hard.
  • Activities: Landscape, cultural, mystic, lake, glacier.
  • Overnight: Hotel in cusco.

DAY 07


End of the humanity tour. We will take you to the airport to take the flight home.



The region of Cusco is located in the Andes Mountains, a mountain range that extends along South America. The Andes Mountains were formed as a result of the collision of the Nazca and South American tectonic plates more than 200 million years ago. 

The geology of the Cusco region is very diverse due to its location in the Andes Mountains. Most of the geological formations are of igneous and metamorphic origin. There are several types of rocks in the region, including granite, porphyry, andesite, rhyolite, shale, sandstone, and conglomerates.

The relief of the Cusco region is very rugged, with an altitude that varies between 1,000 and 6,000 meters above sea level. The region is dominated by three large mountain ranges: the Western Cordillera, the Central Cordillera, and the Eastern Cordillera. These mountain ranges are separated by the valleys of the Apurimac, Urubamba, and Vilcanota rivers.


The Cusco region is home to a great variety of flora and fauna species. The flora of the region is very diverse, with species adapted to different climates and altitudes. In the highest parts of the region, the vegetation is mainly composed of grasses, mosses, and lichens. As the altitude decreases, shrubs and small trees, such as the queñual and chachacomo, appear. In the lower areas, the vegetation is more lush and tropical, and subtropical forests with a great variety of trees and plants, such as ceiba, cedar, and palo santo, can be found.

The fauna of the region is also very diverse, and a great variety of animal species, including birds, mammals, and reptiles, can be found. In the Cusco region, emblematic species such as the Andean condor, the spectacled bear, the vicuña, the guanaco, and the taruca can be found. There are also several species of reptiles and amphibians, such as the boa constrictor and the giant Titicaca frog.


The climate in Cusco is typically mountain subtropical, with distinctive rainy and dry seasons. The rainy season starts in November and lasts until March, while the dry season starts in April and lasts until October.

During the rainy season, daytime temperatures usually range from 10°C to 20°C, while nighttime temperatures can drop to 5°C. During the dry season, daytime temperatures can reach 25°C, while nighttime temperatures usually hover around 0°C.

It is important to note that Cusco is located at a considerable elevation, at around 3,400 meters above sea level, so temperatures can vary significantly depending on altitude. Additionally, due to its proximity to the equator, the intensity of solar radiation is high throughout the year. Therefore, it is important to take adequate precautions to protect oneself from the sun.


The official language of Cusco is Quechua. However, several indigenous languages are also spoken in the Cusco region and throughout the country. Quechua is one of the most common languages and is spoken in many towns and cities in the region. It is the native language of the ancient Inkas and is still widely spoken throughout Peru, especially in rural areas.

In addition to Quechua, other indigenous languages are also spoken in Cusco, such as Aymara and Puquina. These languages are less common and are spoken mainly in specific areas within the region.

It is important to note that, although Spanish is the language used in most commercial and governmental transactions, in many parts of Cusco, especially in rural areas, Quechua is still the predominant language in daily communication. Therefore, if you plan to travel to Cusco, it can be useful to learn some basic words and phrases in Quechua to communicate with the local population and immerse yourself more in the culture of the region.

Cusco is a city with a rich history and culture, which is reflected in its many customs and traditions. Some of the most prominent customs in Cusco include:

Inti Raymi Celebration: This is one of the most important celebrations in the Cusco calendar. It is celebrated every June 24th in honor of the winter solstice. It is a ceremony that symbolizes gratitude to Pachamama (Mother Earth) for the harvest and the arrival of a new year.

Religious Festivities: Cusco is a deeply religious city, and many of its festivities are related to faith. Holy Week is one of the most important, with processions and ceremonies throughout the city. Other important religious festivals include the Feast of the Virgin of Carmen and the traditional clothing: The traditional clothing of Cusco is very colorful and distinguished by its intricate embroidery and designs. Women usually wear skirts, embroidered blouses, and hats, while men wear embroidered pants and vests, as well as typical hats.

Music and Dance: Music and dance are an integral part of Cusco’s culture. There are many music and dance groups that perform traditional dances, such as the marinera, the huayno, and the scissor dance.

Local Markets: Cusco is known for its local markets, where you can find handmade products and traditional foods. The San Pedro Market is one of the most popular, where you can find fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, fish, cheeses, and many other products.

These are just some of the many customs and traditions that can be found in Cusco. The city is rich in culture and is an ideal place to immerse yourself in the history and traditional life of the Peruvian Andes.

Among the most popular tourist attractions in Cusco are the Inka ruins of Machupicchu, the Inka citadel of Sacsayhuaman, the Plaza de Armas of Cusco, and the Cathedral of Cusco. Machupicchu, an Inka citadel on top of a mountain, is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Sacsayhuaman, an impressive Inka fortress built with huge stone blocks, is a testament to the Inka’s construction skills. The Plaza de Armas of Cusco is an impressive square surrounded by historic buildings, and the Cathedral of Cusco is an imposing church built during the colonial period.

In addition to the historical sites, Cusco is also known for its natural landscapes. The Sacred Valley of the Inkas, located between Cusco and Machupicchu, is an impressive valley with Inka ruins and picturesque villages.


  • Machupicchu: The Inka citadel of Machupicchu is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world and is one of the main reasons to visit Cusco.
  • Sacred Valley: This valley, located between Cusco and Machupicchu, is home to impressive Inka ruins, traditional villages, and stunning natural landscapes.
  • The city of Cusco:With its beautiful colonial architecture, narrow cobblestone streets, and lively atmosphere, the city of Cusco is a charming place to explore.
  • Sacsayhuamán: This Inka archaeological complex is famous for its enormous carved stones that fit together perfectly without the use of mortar.
  • Qoricancha: This Inka temple was once the most sacred place in the Inka Empire, and it is said that its walls were covered in gold and precious stones.
  • Moray: This archaeological complex is known for its circular terraces, which were used by the Inkas to experiment with different crops.
  • Maras:This Andean town is famous for its salt mines, which have been in use since pre-Inka times.
  • Pisa´q: This Andean town is known for its craft market and its impressive archaeological complex atop a hill.
  • Ollantaytambo: This Inka town is famous for its impressive archaeological complex and for being one of the starting points of the Inka Trail.
  • Inka Trail: This four-day trekking route is one of the most famous hikes in the world and takes travelers through stunning Andean landscapes to Machupicchu.
  • Ausangate: This  6,372-meter mountain is considered sacred by the Inkas and is one of the most impressive mountains in the region.
  • Humantay Lake: This beautiful lake is located high up in the mountains and is a popular day hike from Cusco.
  • Rainbow Mountain: This impressive mountain is known for its colorful stripes and is a popular day hike from Cusco.
  • Chinchero: This Andean town is famous for its textiles and traditional hand-weaving techniques.
  • Moray Terraces: These circular terraces were built by the Inkas to cultivate different types of plants.
  • Rafting on the Urubamba River: Travelers can go rafting on this river, which flows through the Sacred Valley and offers exciting Class III and IV rapids.
  • Ziplining in the Sacred Valley: Travelers can fly through the beautiful Sacred Valley in an exciting ziplining experience.
  • Culinary tourism: Peruvian food is famous around the world, and Cusco has a great variety of restaurants where travelers can try delicious local food.
  • Barack Obama: The former President of the United States visited Machupicchu in 2016 during a trip to Latin America.
  • Charles, Prince of Wales: The Prince of Wales visited Cusco and Machupicchu in 2009 during a trip to South America.
  • Madonna: The famous singer visited Cusco and Machupicchu in 2013 during a tourist trip.
  • Ricky Martin: The famous Puerto Rican singer visited Cusco and Machupicchu in 2019 and shared photos of his trip on social media.
  • Mark Zuckerberg: The founder of Facebook visited Cusco and Machupicchu in 2017 and shared photos of his trip on his Facebook account.
  • Tom Brady: The famous American football player visited Cusco and Machupicchu in 2018 during a trip with his wife Gisele Bündchen.
  • Meghan Markle: The Duchess of Sussex visited Cusco in 2018 as part of her humanitarian work with the organization World Vision.
  • Jackie Kennedy: The former First Lady of the United States visited Cusco and Machupicchu in 1962 during a trip to South America.
  • Antonio Banderas: The famous Spanish actor visited Cusco and Machupicchu in 2019 during a tourist trip.
  • Bear Grylls: The adventurer and television presenter visited Cusco and Machupicchu in 2012 during the filming of his program “Bear Grylls: Escape to the Legion.”
  • In addition to Robert De Niro and Zac Efron.
  • Kate Moss: The famous British model visited Machupicchu in 2007.
  • Jim Carrey: The famous Canadian actor visited Machu picchu in 2011 during a tourist trip.
  • Cristiano Ronaldo: The famous Portuguese football player visited Machupicchu in 2012 during a vacation in Peru.
  • Hugh Jackman: The Australian actor visited Machupicchu in 2017 during a trip with his family.
  • Ben Stiller: The American actor visited Machupicchu in 2013 during the promotion of the movie “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.”
  • Matthew McConaughey: The famous American actor visited Machupicchu in 2017 during a tourist trip.
  • Sting: The famous British singer visited Machupicchu in 2011 during a trip to Peru.
  • Susan Sarandon: The American actress visited Machupicchu in 2014 during a tourist trip.
  • Naomi Campbell: The famous British model visited Machupicchu in 2013 during a tourist trip.
  • Renée Zellweger: The American actress visited Machupicchu in 2009 during a tourist trip.


Our tour package exclusively includes high-quality hotels, all of which are categorized as 4-star or similar establishments. These hotels have been carefully selected to ensure that your stay is pleasant and comfortable, providing a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere during your nights of rest.

Our goal is to provide you with an exceptional travel experience where you can enjoy the comfort and tranquility of our hotels, as well as convenient access to the area’s most prominent attractions. We are confident that you will be delighted with our selection of hotels and the strategic locations we have chosen for your convenience!


There are many hotels, so we won’t be able to provide you with a specific hotel or the hotel chain of your choice, as it greatly depends on the tourism season in Cusco and the hotel’s availability, as well as the reservation date.


Hotel in the Sacred Valley

Tour of Sacred Valley from Cusco one day

Hotel in Aguas Calientes

Ayahuasca retreat in salkantay to machupicchu 9 days

Hotel in Cusco

Prices and Departure Dates




US$ 950 (minimum 3 people)



US$ 1500


You must request this at the time that you make your reservation.

  • Machupichu + Waynapicchu : USD 75.00.
  • Machupicchu + Montaña: USD 75.00.

¿What makes us

one of a kind?

Our distinction lies in our dual expertise as professionals in tourist guiding and as spiritual masters dedicated to preserving Inkan wisdom. This unique combination enables us to offer our clients an enriching and deeply spiritual tourist experience. Furthermore, as an Inkan-origin agency, we are committed to social responsibility. We work tirelessly to support those in our community who need it most. We allocate financial resources to carry out social work with individuals battling addictions, who have suffered from violations, or other traumatic experiences that impact their personal development. Your choice to travel with us directly contributes to this social work, helping us make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

shaman leaders

Our organization of spiritual leaders is truly diverse and joyful, as it is composed of masterful leaders of both genders who are experts in Inka knowledge

yachay wasi

Yachay Wasi stands as a distinguished school, dedicated to the transmission of millennia-old ancestral wisdom to future generations with a forward-thinking approach deeply rooted in tradition.

Natural therapy

Treating individuals with addiction disorders or other problems, who have low economic resources, requires a considerable duration depending on the specific situation, with the goal of achieving physical, mental, and spiritual recovery..


The best recommended time for all visitors coming to the city of Cusco for a 7-day tour and others is from April to November.

Because it is an organized package to visit all the attractions in Cusco without missing the most outstanding ones.

To avoid altitude sickness, on the first day, you will spend the night in the Sacred Valley, which is at an altitude of 2600 meters, where you will not experience any altitude-related problems. After visiting Machupicchu, we will gradually ascend to higher altitudes to prevent altitude sickness.

This itinerary was organized to visit the Inca centers during off-peak times when there are fewer tourists around.

It is recommended to bring cash, especially when hiking to the Humantay Lagoon and Rainbow Mountain. These remote places do not have card payment facilities or ATMs, but some tour operators may accept card payments.

It depends on the mode of transportation you choose. If you travel by train from Cusco, it will take approximately 5 hours. If you prefer to walk, the classic Inka Trail takes four days and three nights, but there are also two-day trekking options. If you opt for a bus from Aguas Calientes, the closest town to Machupicchu, the journey will take about 30 minutes.

The weather in Machupicchu is unpredictable but generally temperate and humid. The average temperature ranges from 11°C to 20°C, with frequent rainfall throughout the year. It is recommended to bring warm clothing and a rain poncho.

While it is not mandatory to hire a guide to visit Machupicchu, it is highly recommended to make the most of the experience. A shaman guide can make your Machu Picchu experience unique.

While it is not necessary to be in excellent physical shape to visit Machupicchu, it is important to be prepared to walk on uneven and steep terrain. It is also advisable to take into account the altitude since Machupicchu is located at an altitude of 2,430 meters above sea level.

Currently, night visits to Machupicchu are not allowed to protect the citadel. Therefore, most visitors arrive early in the morning to make the most of their time at the archaeological site..

There are several important rules that you must follow when visiting Machupicchu, such as not smoking, not littering, not bringing food and drinks, and not touching the archaeological structures. It is also important to respect the environment and stay on marked trails

It is usually recommended to spend a full day to explore calmly and enjoy the wonderful landscape around Machupicchu.

It is generally suggested to buy entrance tickets in advance since the Inka city is one of the 7 wonders of the world, and therefore is very visited by travelers from different parts of the world

Comfortable and sturdy walking clothes are essential for visiting Cusco, a city with many cobbled and steep streets. It is recommended to wear comfortable clothes and shoes for walking long distances.

  • Jacket or vest: Cusco is a city located at over 3,000 meters above sea level, which means that temperatures can be cold, especially at night. It is recommended to bring a warm jacket or vest.
  • Long pants: In addition to protecting yourself from the cold, wearing long pants can help you avoid mosquito and other insect bites.
  • Hat or cap: The sun can be very strong in Cusco, especially in the summer. Wearing a hat or cap can protect your head and prevent sunstroke.
  • Sunscreen: It is important to protect your skin from UV rays, especially in the summer.
  • Water bottle: It is important to stay hydrated in Cusco, especially due to the altitude.
  • Small backpack or bag: To carry your personal and tourist belongings.
  • Walking shoes: As mentioned earlier, Cusco is a city with many cobbled and steep streets, so it is important to wear comfortable and sturdy shoes.
  • Warm clothing: For the night, especially if you plan to visit Machupicchu or any other high-altitude area.
  • Swimwear: If you plan to visit the hot springs of Aguas Calientes or any other place with baths.

We take care of purchasing tickets to Machupicchu, the bus, and the train.

You can book through our website,

Yes, it is very safe. Cusco city is very safe for tourists, and the historic and tourist center have cameras and security 24 hours a day.

Yes, there are several places to change your currency in the city of Cusco.

In Cusco, there are many different tourist attractions depending on what the tourist is most interested in, such as spiritual tourism, adventure activities like hiking, rafting, and zip-lining, gastronomy, culture, mountaineering, experiential tourism, and astronomy

Yes, it is one of the priority destinations that we will visit on the 7-day tour.

Yes, there are several options depending on the sport you practice. We can add an extra day to the tour to do adventure sports such as rock climbing, rafting, mountaineering, ATV riding, zip-lining, horseback riding, mountain biking, and bouldering.

The trek to the Humantay Lagoon will be done and includes an overnight stay at the foot of the Humantay and Salkantay glaciers.

The Sacred Valley tour is wonderful and is included in the 7-day package.

The appropriate way to get to the Sacred Valley is by car, which is how we will go to the hotel in the Sacred Valley.

Cusco is very famous for its culture. During the 7-day tour, we will pass through traditional villages where you can buy directly from the local people the products they make.

There are several vegetarian restaurants in Cusco where you can choose your favorite vegetarian food.

There are several sites which we will visit in the 7-day package, and we will even go to little-visited Inka sites.

No, it’s not possible. Usually, the long trek takes 4-5 days, and the short trek takes 2 days.

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